Tapahtumakalenteri (vanha)
Pharmacology Department Seminars
Professori Kirsi Pietiläinen. HY, Lääketieteellinen tiedekunta, tutkimusohjelmayksikkö
Lihavuuden uusi lääkehoito
Aloitusaika: 22.05.2024 13:15
Lopetusaika: 22.05.2024 14:15
Sijainti: Biomedicum 1, seminar room B201a
Tyyppi: Seminar
Organisaatio: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Yhteyshenkilö: Piet.Finckenberg@Helsinki.Fi
Big questions in neuroscience and current limits of knowledge
Disease-modifying therapies for neurodegenerative diseases – where are we going and do we ever reach the finish line?
Professor Timo Myöhänen, University of Helsinki
Host: Professor Iiris Hovatta
Timo Myöhänen is professor of Pharmacology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki. His research group is focused on finding novel therapeutic targets and developing experimental compounds for neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. Myöhänen’s lab has worked for several years with prolyl oligopeptidase (PREP) and shown that modulation of PREP with small-molecular compounds leads to disease-modifying effects in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease mouse models. Their publication in Science Translational Medicine last year, describing disease-modifying effect of PREP ligands on different Tauopathy models, was awarded by the most outstanding article award of 2023 by Finnish Pharmaceutical Society. Recently, Myöhänen’s lab findings on PREP ligands led to the founding of Polku Therapeutics, a startup company aiming to take PREP ligands further in the drug development.
In order to estimate the number of coffees and snacks to be ordered, please register using the e-form.
Professor Timo Myöhänen, University of Helsinki
Host: Professor Iiris Hovatta
Timo Myöhänen is professor of Pharmacology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki. His research group is focused on finding novel therapeutic targets and developing experimental compounds for neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. Myöhänen’s lab has worked for several years with prolyl oligopeptidase (PREP) and shown that modulation of PREP with small-molecular compounds leads to disease-modifying effects in Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease mouse models. Their publication in Science Translational Medicine last year, describing disease-modifying effect of PREP ligands on different Tauopathy models, was awarded by the most outstanding article award of 2023 by Finnish Pharmaceutical Society. Recently, Myöhänen’s lab findings on PREP ligands led to the founding of Polku Therapeutics, a startup company aiming to take PREP ligands further in the drug development.
In order to estimate the number of coffees and snacks to be ordered, please register using the e-form.
Aloitusaika: 22.05.2024 15:15
Lopetusaika: 22.05.2024 16:15
Kesto: 1 hour
Sijainti: Haartman Institute, lecture hall 2, Haartmaninkatu 3, 00290 Helsinki
Tyyppi: Seminar
Organisaatio: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Yhteyshenkilö: katri.wegelius@helsinki.fi
iCAN science seminar: Prof. Catherine J. Wu,
Personalized Cancer Vaccines: Driving T cells into tumor
Aloitusaika: 23.05.2024 13:30
Lopetusaika: 23.05.2024 14:30
Sijainti: Biomedicum 1, seminar room 3
Tyyppi: Seminar
Organisaatio: iCAN Flagship Team
Yhteyshenkilö: ican@helsinki.fi
Dissertation: Sirkku Ahlström
Sirkku Ahlström, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Program in Clinical Research
Clinical and genetic factors predicting propofol and rocuronium requirements, and post-operative nausea and vomiting
Opponent: professor Miia Turpeinen, University of Oulu
Aloitusaika: 24.05.2024 12:00
Lopetusaika: 24.05.2024 14:00
Kesto: 2 hours
Sijainti: Naistenklinikka, Seth Wichmann -sali, Haartmaninkatu 2
Tyyppi: Dissertation
Organisaatio: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Yhteyshenkilö: sirkku.ahlstrom@hus.fi
Dissertation: Verner Eerola
Verner Eerola, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Program in Clinical Research
Characteristics of organ donors and logistics of organ procurement for short- and long-term outcomes in abdominal organ transplantation
Opponent: Assistant Professor Maria Irene Bellini, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
Aloitusaika: 24.05.2024 12:00
Lopetusaika: 24.05.2024 14:00
Kesto: 2 hours
Sijainti: HUS Siltasairaala, Ullanlinnasali, Haartmaninkatu 4
Tyyppi: Dissertation
Organisaatio: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Yhteyshenkilö: verner.eerola@helsinki.fi