Tapahtumakalenteri (vanha)
HiLIFE webinar / Viikki Monday Seminar: Tamra Mendelson
Mendelson earned her PhD at Duke University studying speciation in darters, a group of colorful North American fishes. Currently a Professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA, Mendelson collaborates internationally to study the evolution of elaborate visual ornamentation and sex roles in speciation.
Prof Mendelson will be in Helsinki on Monday and Tuesday 6-7 May. If you would like to schedule a meeting with her, please contact Sandra Winters (sandra.winters@helsinki.fi).
Welcome to this exciting seminar!
Selected publications:
Mendelson, T.C. and Ryan, M.J. 2022. Beauty in nature: sex and design in our evolutionary cousins. Mètode Science Studies Journal 13:145-151.
Mendelson, T.C.* and Safran, R.J.* 2021. Speciation by sexual selection: 20 years of progress. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 36:1153-1163. *Authors contributed equally.
Hulse, S.V.G, Renoult, J.P.*, Mendelson, T.C.* 2020. Sexual signaling pattern correlates with habitat pattern in visually ornamented fishes. Nature Communications 11:1-8. *Authors contributed equally.
Renoult, J.P. and Mendelson, T.C. 2019. Processing bias: extending sensory drive to include efficacy and efficiency in information processing. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B 286:20190165.
Mendelson, T.C., Fitzpatrick, C.L., Hauber, M.E., Pence, C.H., Rodríguez, R.L., Safran, R.J., Stern, C.A., and Stevens, J.R. 2016. Cognitive phenotypes and the evolution of animal decisions. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 31: 850-859.
Martin, M.D. G and Mendelson, T.C. 2016. Male behavior predicts trait divergence and the evolution of reproductive isolation in darters (Percidae: Etheostoma). Animal Behaviour 112: 179-186.
University of Helsinki students please note: If you wish to obtain credits (DPBM, ILS) from this webinar series, please rename yourself in Zoom with first name + last name (do not use nickname/user ID/student number/just first name).
Dissertation: Pinja Elomaa
Opponent: professor Marja Tiirola, University of Jyväskylä
Biostatistics drop-in workshop
Are you a researcher needing support with any statistical aspect of your work? The Biostatistics Consulting Service here at Meilahti Campus holds drop-in workshop sessions every other week to answer smaller questions about your analysis - solving a particular problem, how to get started, etc. We provide service in Finnish, English and Swedish.
The next workshop is on Wednesday 8th May, at 13:00-15:00 in Biomedicum 2B, in the Olohuone on floor 6. Come whenever you can. Note that you may end up waiting a while for your turn, especially early on in the session. We aim to spend no more than 15 minutes with each customer.
· your computer
· your data
· your questions
and we biostatisticians will be on hand to help and guide.
Registration is not required, but you can help us prepare for your questions by filling in this form. The workshops are open to any researcher at the university's Medical Faculty, HUS or FIMM.
The next session is the last one for this academic year: 22.5.
We plan to continue again in August.
For more in-depth questions, please book a one-on-one consultation session using this e-form where we will have time to go into more detail.
From the Biostatistics Team
Pharmacology Department Seminars
Rekonstruktiivinen kirurgia 1800-luvun Helsingissä
Maija Kolehmainen, LL. HUS
FICAN webinar: prof Olli Lohi
Speaker: prof. Olli Lohi, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, Tampere University and Tampere University Hospital