Tapahtumakalenteri (vanha)

toukokuu 31

Dissertation: Katriina Mikola

Katriina Mikkola,  University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Program in Clinical Research
Transition to adult care in juvenile idiopathic arthritis

Opponent: Professor Kirsten Minden, Charité - Berlin University of Medicine

Aloitusaika: 31.05.2024 12:00
Lopetusaika: 31.05.2024 14:00
Kesto: 2 hours
Sijainti: HUS Puistosairaala, Niilo Hallman sali, Stenbäckinkatu 11
Tyyppi: Dissertation
Organisaatio: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Yhteyshenkilö: Katriina.Mikola@hus.fi
toukokuu 31

Dissertation: Sanni Alve

Sanni Alve, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine
Lymphatic endothelial cells as a pro-metastatic component of the melanoma microenvironment

Opponent: professor Agnès Noël, University of Liège

Aloitusaika: 31.05.2024 13:00
Lopetusaika: 31.05.2024 15:00
Kesto: 2 hours
Sijainti: Haartman Institute, lecture hall 2, Haartmaninkatu 3, 00290 Helsinki
Tyyppi: Dissertation
Organisaatio: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Yhteyshenkilö: sanni.alve@helsinki.fi
kesäkuu 03

HiLIFE webinar / Viikki Monday Seminar: Paul Workman

Two long personal journeys in the discovery of precision cancer medicines: The AKT inhibitor capivasertib and the HSF1 pathway inhibitor NXP800

Paul Workman is Harrap Professor of Pharmacology and Therapeutics and Group Leader of the Signal Transduction and Molecular Pharmacology Team at The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London. Until August 2021, he served for seven years as Chief Executive and President of ICR, and for almost twenty years he was Director of ICR’s CRUK Cancer Therapeutics Unit, the world’s largest academic cancer drug discovery centre. Paul was also Founding Director of the CRUK Convergence Science Centre at ICR/Imperial College and is currently Co-Director of the CRUK Children’s Brain Tumour Centre of Excellence at ICR and Cambridge University.  Paul is an internationally recognised leader in the multidisciplinary discovery, molecular pharmacology and chemical biology of cancer drugs and has been instrumental in the discovery of multiple clinical drug candidate acting on protein kinases, PI3 kinases, the molecular chaperone HSP90, and the Integrated Stress Response/Heat Shock Factor 1 pathway. He has published >500 research articles garnering >55K citations and his h-index is 119. Paul has received multiple honours and awards – he is an elected Fellow of the Royal Society (the UK’s national science academy), Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences and Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and is a CRUK Life Fellow.

Paul obtained his BSc in Biological Sciences at the University of Leicester UK and his PhD in Cancer Pharmacology at the University of Leeds UK. He has previously worked at the MRC Clinical Oncology Unit, Cambridge University; CRUK Beatson Laboratories, Glasgow University; Stanford University and SRI International (UICC ICRETT Fellow); and Zeneca Pharmaceuticals. He is a scientific founder of Chroma Therapeutics and Piramed Pharma (acquired by Roche). Paul has developed public resources for translational research and drug discovery – he is Director of the nonprofit Chemical Probes Portal (www.chemicalprobes.org) and co-developer of canSAR (www.cansar.ai) and Probe Miner (https://probeminer.icr.ac.uk).


Welcome to this exciting seminar! 

Juha Saarikangas


Selected Recent Publications


  1. Workman P*. The NCI-60 Human Tumor Cell Line Screen: A Catalyst for Progressive Evolution of Models for Discovery and Development of Cancer Drugs. Cancer Res. 2023 Oct 2;83(19):3170-3173. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-23-2612. PMID: 37779429 (*Senior author).
  2. Mader MM, Rudolph J, Hartung IV, Uehling D, Workman P, Zuercher W. Which Small Molecule? Selecting Chemical Probes for Use in Cancer Research and Target Validation. Cancer Discov. 2023 Oct 5;13(10):2150-2165. doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-23-0536. PMID: 37712569. 
  3. Hartung IV, Rudolph J, Mader MM, Mulder MPC, Workman P. Expanding Chemical Probe Space: Quality Criteria for Covalent and Degrader Probes. J Med Chem. 2023 Jul 27;66(14):9297-9312. doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.3c00550. Epub 2023 Jul 5. PMID: 37403870. 
  4. Pasqua AE, Sharp SY, Chessum NEA, Hayes A, Pellegrino L, Tucker MJ, Miah A, Wilding B, Evans LE, Rye CS, Mok NY, Liu M, Henley AT, Gowan S, De Billy E, Te Poele R, Powers M, Eccles SA, Clarke PA, Raynaud FI, Workman P*, Jones K, Cheeseman MD. HSF1 pathway inhibitor clinical candidate (CCT361814/NXP800) developed from a phenotypic screen as a potential treatment for refractory ovarian cancer and Other Malignancies. J Med Chem. 2023 Apr 27;66(8):5907-5936. doi: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.3c00156. Epub 2023 Apr 5. PMID: 37017629 (*Joint senior author). 
  5. di Micco P, Antolin AA, Mitsopoulos C, Villasclaras-Fernandez E, Sanfelice D, Dolciami D, Ramagiri P, Mica IL, Tym JE, Gingrich PW, Hu H, Workman P*, Al-Lazikani B. canSAR: update to the cancer translational research and drug discovery knowledgebase. Nucleic Acids Res. 2023 Jan 6;51(D1):D1212-D1219. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkac1004. PMID: 36624665 (*Joint senior author).


    University of Helsinki students please note: If you wish to obtain credits (DPBM, ILS) from this webinar series, please rename yourself in Zoom with first name + last name (do not use nickname/user ID/student number/just first name).

Aloitusaika: 03.06.2024 13:00
Lopetusaika: 03.06.2024 14:00
Kesto: 1 hour
Sijainti: Biocenter 1, Lecture Hall1401, Viikinkaari 9,
Tyyppi: Seminar
Organisaatio: Helsinki Institute of Life Science HiLIFE
Yhteyshenkilö: hilife-seminars@helsinki.fi
kesäkuu 04

iCAN science seminar: Dr Ruben van Boxtel

Tracing the origin of pediatric leukemia using single-cell genome sequencing
Short bio:
Ruben van Boxtel has pioneered the development of experimental and computational approaches to study the genomes of human stem cells. Using these methods, his group showed that mutation accumulation varies across different tissues throughout human life. In 2017, Ruben was appointed as a group leader at the Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology, where he focusses on studying why children get leukemia and lymphoma, and what the genotoxic effects of treatment are in the hematopoietic system. Using in-depth mutational analyses, the group of Ruben has discovered mutational cancer signatures caused by a genotoxic gut bacterium and antiviral drugs.
Ruben received an NWO Vidi award in 2017 by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research for his research on studying genomic integrity of human stem cells throughout life. In addition, Ruben received an ERC Consolidator award by the European Research Council in 2019 to study the causes of therapy-related myeloid neoplasms in childhood cancer survivors. In the same year, he was selected as an Oncode Investigator, which a collective institute bringing together the best fundamental cancer researchers in the Netherlands. In 2022, Ruben received the NYSCF Robertson Stem Cell Investigator Award for his work on studying long-term toxicity in the hematopoietic system of childhood cancer survivors. In 2024, he received an NWO Vici award for studying the etiology of late adverse effects in childhood cancer survivors.

Aloitusaika: 04.06.2024 13:30
Lopetusaika: 04.06.2024 14:30
Sijainti: Biomedicum1, lecture hall 1, Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki
Tyyppi: Seminar
Organisaatio: iCAN Flagship Team
Yhteyshenkilö: ican@helsinki.fi
kesäkuu 05

Dissertation: Johanna Liuhanen

Johanna Liuhanen, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
Genetic liability to psychiatric disorders in early childhood : phenotypic effects and differing sensitivity to environmental influences

Opponent: Associate Professor Katherine Musliner, Aarhus University

Aloitusaika: 05.06.2024 12:00
Lopetusaika: 05.06.2024 14:00
Kesto: 2 hours
Sijainti: University of Helsinki main building, Fabianinkatu 33, Helsinki
Tyyppi: Dissertation
Organisaatio: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Yhteyshenkilö: johanna.liuhanen@helsinki.fi