Dissertation: Juho Aaltio
Opponent: MD, PhD Hannele Laivuori, Tampere University
Biostatistics drop-in workshop
Are you a researcher needing support with any statistical aspect of your work? The Biostatistics Consulting Service here at Meilahti Campus holds drop-in workshop sessions every other week to answer smaller questions about your analysis - solving a particular problem, how to get started, etc. We provide service in Finnish, English and Swedish.
The next workshop is on Wednesday 20th November, at 13:00-15:00 in Biomedicum 2B, in the Olohuone on floor 6. Come whenever you can. Note that you may end up waiting a while for your turn, especially early on in the session. We aim to spend no more than 15 minutes with each customer.
· your computer
· your data
· your questions
and we biostatisticians will be on hand to help and guide.
Registration is not required, but you can help us prepare for your questions by filling in this form. The workshops are open to any researcher at the university's Medical Faculty, HUS or FIMM.
The autumn's following sessions are planned for 20.11, 4.12 & 18.12.
For more in-depth questions, please book a one-on-one consultation session using this e-form where we will have time to go into more detail.
From the Biostatistics Team
Studia Medicina: Vitamiinit purkista; terveyshyötyä vai rahanmenoa?
- Professori Maijaliisa Erkkola HY Kuka hyötyy vitamiinilisistä?
- Dosentti, ylilääkäri Arja Uusitalo, HUS/HY Tarvitseeko liikkuja tai urheilija lisäravinteita
- Professori Timo Strandberg, HUS/HY Virkistyykö muisti monivitamiinilla?
Puheenjohtajana toimii dosentti, endokrinologian osastonylilääkäri Niina Matikainen, HUS/HY
Special seminar: Clinical epileptology for basic researchers
Special seminar organized by ILAE Young Epilepsy Section Finland
Topic: Clinical epileptology for basic researchers
Speakers: Katri Silvennoinen, Neurology, MD and Jukka Vanhanen, Clinical neurophysiology, MD, PhD from Helsinki University Hospital
Dr. Katri Silvennoinen, a neurologist at the Helsinki University Hospital, has expertise in clinical management of epilepsy in adults.
Dr. Jukka Vanhanen’s, a clinical neurophysiologist at the Helsinki University Hospital, proficiency lies in neurophysiological studies of epilepsy.
The seminar is organized by the ILAE Young Epilepsy Section Finland.
The event is open to everyone interested. No preregistration is needed.
Dissertation: Maija Koivu
Opponent: professor Jan Vesper, University of Duesseldorf