Tapahtumakalenteri (vanha)
Dissertation: Selina Mäkinen
Opponent: professor Peppi Karppinen, University of Oulu
HiLIFE webinar / Viikki Monday Seminar: Kirill Martemyanov
Terra Incognita of Neuronal GPCR signaling
Prof. Kirill Martemyanov is the chair of the Department of Neuroscience, Scripps Biomedical Research, University of Florida. The main emphasis of his research is to reveal the fundamental principles that regulate signaling via G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). GPCRs mediate a vast variety of critical biological processes ranging from proliferation and motility to cellular reception and excitability. GPCR signaling pathways are of particular importance for the nervous system function where they control many fundamental processes including excitability, differentiation, sensory perception and synaptic transmission. Even subtle imbalances in GPCR signaling often lead to the most profound nervous system disorders ranging from blindness and cognitive problems to grave neurological diseases. Scientific publications of Prof. Martemyanov’s research team describe the structure and function of many GPCRs, including the orphan receptors, and previously unknown molecular pathways, activated by them. These discoveries facilitate the understanding of the brain disorders and their possible medication.
Twitter: @KLabGPCR
Welcome to this exciting seminar!
Selected publications:
Maza N, Wang D., Kowalski C., Stoveken H.M., Dao M., Sial O.K., Giles A.C., Grill B., Martemyanov K.A. (2022) Ptchd1 is an ancient regulator of opioid tolerance. Nat. Neurosci. 25, 1179-1190; PMID: 35982154
Patil D.N., Singh S., Laboute T., Strutzenberg T.S., Qiu T., Wu D., Novick S.J., Robinson C.V. Griffin P.R., Hunt J.F., Izard T., Singh A.K., Martemyanov K.A. (2021) Cryo-EM structure of human GPR158 receptor coupled to RGS7-Gβ5 signaling complex. Science, abl4732
Masuho I., Balaji S., Muntean B.S., Skamangas N.K., Chavali S., Tesmer J.J.G., Babu M.M., Martemyanov K.A. (2020) A global map of G protein signaling regulation by RGS proteins. Cell, 183, 503-521.
Wang D., Stoveken H.M., Zucca S., Dao M., Orlandi C., Song C., Masuho I., Johnston C., Opperman K.J., Giles A.C., Gill M.S., Lundquist E.A., Grill B., Martemyanov K.A. (2019) Genetic behavioral screen identifies an orphan anti-opioid system. Science, eaau2078.
Muntean B.S., Zucca S., MacMullen C.M, Dao M.T, Johnston C., Iwamoto H., Blakely R.D., Davis R.L., Martemyanov K.A. (2018) Interrogating spatio-temporal landscape of neuromodulatory GPCR signaling by real-time imaging of cAMP dynamics in intact neurons and circuits. Cell Rep.22, 255-268.
Wang Y., Fehlhaber K.E., Sarria I., Cao Y., Ingram N.T., Guerrero-Given D., Throesch B., Baldwin K., Kamasawa N., Ohtsuka T., Sampath A.P., Martemyanov K.A. (2017) The auxiliary calcium channel subunit, α2δ4, is required for axonal elaboration, synaptic transmission, and wiring of rod photoreceptors. Neuron 93, 1359-1374.
University of Helsinki students please note: If you wish to obtain credits (DPBM, ILS) from this webinar series, please rename yourself in Zoom with first name + last name (do not use nickname/user ID/student number/just first name).
Wihuri Research Institute Special Seminar by Dr. Taija Mäkinen
Dr. Taija Mäkinen’s lab’s research interests lie in the understanding of mechanisms that regulate the lymphatic vasculature in development, homeostasis and disease. A major interest of her laboratory is to elucidate how (lymphatic) endothelial cells integrate signals from multiple sources in a complex tissue environment to coordinate vascular morphogenesis and functional specialization. Recently their work has extended to studying how endothelial cells actively modulate their environment through intercellular communication with other cell types, and how regulators of developmental (lymph)angiogenesis impact on genetic human diseases.
Selected publications:
Petkova M, Kraft M, Stritt S, Martinez-Corral I, Ortsäter H, VanlandewijckM, Jakic B, Baselga E, Castillo SD, Graupera M, BetsholtzC, Mäkinen T. Immune-interacting lymphatic endothelial subtype at capillary terminals drives lymphatic malformation. J Exp Med. (2023).
Hernández Vásquez MN, Ulvmar MH, González-Loyola A, Kritikos I, Sun Y, He L, Halin C, Petrova TV, Mäkinen T. Transcription factor FOXP2 is a flow-induced regulator of collecting lymphatic vessels. EMBO J 40(12):e107192. doi: 10.15252/embj.2020107192 (2021).
Martinez-Corral I, Zhang Y, Petkova M, Ortsäter H, Sjöberg S, Diez SC, Brouillard P, Libbrecht L, Graupera M, AlitaloK, Boon L, Vikkula M, Mäkinen T. Blockade of VEGF-C signaling inhibits lymphatic malformations driven by oncogenic PIK3CA mutation. Nat Commun 11:2869 doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-16496-y (2020).
Frye M, Stritt S, Ortsäter H, Hernandez-Vasquez M, Kaakinen M, Vicente A, Wiseman J, Eklund L, Martinez-Torrecuadrada JL, Vestweber D, Mäkinen T. EphinB2-EPHB4 signalling provides Rho-mediated homeostatic control of lymphatic endothelial cell junction integrity. eLife 9:e57732 (2020).
Please contact Kari Vaahtomeri (kari.vaahtomeri@helsinki.fi) for an appointment with the speaker.
4th FICAN seminar: Leena Latonen
This time the seminar is organized by FICAN East. The seminar will be held online (Microsoft Teams) and is open to everyone interested in cancer research. Join the meeting HERE
Dosentin arvon hakijoiden opetusnäytteet
12:00-12:30 LT Pasi Huttunen (lasten hematologia ja onkologia) aihe: Allogeeniset kantasolusiirrot lapsilla -akuutteja ongelmia vielä viiden vuosikymmenen jälkeenkin?, kohderyhmänä: Lastentauteihin ja lastenhematologiaan erikoistuvat lääkärit.
12:30-12:40 Tauko
12:40-13:10 FT Eevi Kaasinen (bioinformatiikka) aihe: Suurtehosekvensoinnin bioinformatiikka tautimutaatioiden tunnistamisessa, kohderyhmänä: Maisteri- ja jatko-opiskelijat.
13:10-13:20 Tauko
13:20-13:50 FT Riku Katainen (lääketieteellinen genetiikka) aihe: Syövän DNA - haitalliset ja harmittomat muutokset, kohderyhmänä: Maisteri- ja jatko-opiskelijat.
13:50-14:00 Tauko
14:00-14:30 LT Hanna Välimaa (lääketieteellinen mikrobiologia ja immunologia) aihe: Leukaluun osteomyeliitti, kohderyhmänä: Erikoistuvat hammaslääkärit ja lääkärit.