Tapahtumakalenteri (vanha)
Dissertation: Wafa Wahbi
Opponent: PhD Kirsi Ketola, University of Eastern Finland
Dissertation: Marika Smeds
Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage : oxygen treatment, prognosis and economical burden of patients requiring intensive care
Opponent: professor Andrew Udy, Monash University
HiLIFE webinar / Viikki Monday Seminar: Andrew Lovering
Bio: PhD in Birmingham, looking at bacterial nitroreductases. Moved to Natalie Strynadka’s group at UBC Vancouver Canada to do a postdoc in peptidoglycan and teichoic acid biosynthesis. Started own group in 2010 at Birmingham focusing on structural biology of Bdellovibrio and general mechanistic microbiology.
The lunch will be organized by Riina Ihonen in Viikki Kartano at 11.00, so those who want to sign up can contact her directly riina.ihonen@helsinki.fi.
If anyone is interested in having a personal meeting with Prof. Lovering, please contact Tatiana Demina (tatiana.demina@helsinki.fi), some time slots are available on 16.9 afternoon.
Welcome to this exciting seminar!
Selected publications
Caulton SG, Lambert C, Tyson J, Radford P, Al-Bayati A, Greenwood S, Banks EJ, Clark C, Till R, Pires E, Sockett RE, Lovering AL. Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus uses chimeric fibre proteins to recognize and invade a broad range of bacterial hosts. Nature Microbiology 2024 Jan;9(1):214-227
Harding CJ, Cadby IT, Moynihan PJ, Lovering AL. A rotary mechanism for allostery in bacterial hybrid malic enzymes. Nature Communications. 2021 Feb 23;12(1):1228.
Harding CJ, Huwiler SG, Somers H, Lambert C, Ray LJ, Till R, Taylor G, Moynihan PJ, Sockett RE, Lovering AL. A lysozyme with altered substrate specificity facilitates prey cell exit by the periplasmic predator Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus. Nature Communications 2020. 11, 4817
Lambert C, Cadby IT, Till R, Bui NK, Lerner TR, Hughes WS, Lee DJ, Alderwick LJ, Vollmer W, Sockett ER, Lovering AL. Ankyrin-mediated self-protection during cell invasion by the bacterial predator Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus. Nature Commun. 2015 Dec 2;6:8884.
SleepWell Special Seminar: "Placebo effects: From sociodemographic aspects to sleep" with Prof. Luana Colloca
Dr. Luana Colloca is an Mpower Distinguished professor and the Director of the Placebo Beyond Opinion Center at the University of Maryland, School of Nursing, Baltimore. Dr. Colloca holds an MD, a master’s degree in Bioethics and a PhD in Neuroscience. She completed her post-doc training at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden and a senior research fellowship at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, USA. Over the last few decades, Dr. Colloca conducted studies on the behavioral, neural, and pharmacological mechanisms of pain modulation related to placebo and nocebo effects. Her lab has also developed an interest in virtual reality as a non-pharmacological approach to relieve pain and other symptoms. She has published in top-ranked international journals including Biological Psychiatry, Annual Reviews of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Nature Review of Rheumatology, Pain, Nature Neuroscience, JAMA, Lancet Neurology, Science and NEJM. Her research has been cited over 17730 times (H-index 62) and featured on The National Geographic, The New Scientist, Washington Post, Science daily, Boston Globe, The New Yorker, Nature, The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal, News and World Reports and USA Today among others. She is committed to science dissemination and this includes podcasts including one with Jason Alexander (Seinfeld), a TEDx talk, and an open-access book with Oxford University Press.
Studia Medicina: Suolistosyöpä yleistyy mutta ennuste paranee
professori Perttu Arkkila HY/HUS Suolistosyövän seulonnan avulla varhaisempaan diagnoosiin
professori emerita Helena Isoniemi HY/HUS: Etäpesäke maksassa – onko potilaalla toivoa?