Tapahtumakalenteri (vanha)

syyskuu 17

Dissertation: Ilari Rautalin

​Ilari Rautalin, Faculty of medicine, Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research
Lifestyle-related risk factors for aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage and its mortality – emphasis on the adverse effects of physical inactivity, obesity and smoking

Opponent:  professor Valery Feigin, Auckland University of Technology

Aloitusaika: 17.09.2021 09:00
Lopetusaika: 17.09.2021 11:00
Kesto: 2 hours
Sijainti: Haartman Institute, lecture hall 1, Haartmaninkatu 3, 00290 Helsinki
Tyyppi: Dissertation
Organisaatio: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Yhteyshenkilö: ilari.rautalin@helsinki.fi
syyskuu 17

Folkhälsan Research Center Webinar: Gina Ravenscroft

Disease gene discovery: ending the darkness for families and illuminating fundamental biology
Dr Gina Ravenscroft obtained her PhD in 2009 from the University of Western Australia. Since then, her research activity has focused on rare genetic diseases, with a particular focus on neurogenetic diseases in babies and children, identifying more than 10 novel human disease genes in recent years.
Dr Ravenscroft is a recognized leader in foetal akinesias and congenital myopathies. In 2016, she was named Young Myologist of the Year at the 2016 International Congress of the World Muscle Society. In the same year, she was named an Australian Institute of Policy and Science Young Tall Poppy. In 2020, Dr Ravenscroft was made an Associate Member of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences.  
In 2020, Dr Ravenscroft established her own research group, the Rare Disease Genetics and Functional Genomics Group, at the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, working on disease-gene discovery projects.

Aloitusaika: 17.09.2021 10:00
Lopetusaika: 17.09.2021 11:00
Kesto: 1 hour
Sijainti: remotely
Tyyppi: Webinar
Organisaatio: Folkhälsan Research Center
Yhteyshenkilö: marco.savarese@helsinki.fi
syyskuu 17

Dissertation: Susanna Pajula

Susanna Pajula, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research
Lower body contouring surgery after massive weight loss – prevalence, outcomes and effects on pregnancy and deliveries

Opponent: docent Minna Kääriäinen, University of Tampere

Aloitusaika: 17.09.2021 12:00
Lopetusaika: 17.09.2021 14:00
Kesto: 2 hours
Sijainti: Töölön Sairaala, luentosali 1, Topeliuksenkatu 5
Tyyppi: Dissertation
Organisaatio: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Yhteyshenkilö: susanna.pajula@helsinki.fi
syyskuu 17

Dissertation: Heidi Backman

​Heidi Backman, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Programme in Population Health

Opponent: professor Riittakerttu Kaltiala, University of Tampere

Aloitusaika: 17.09.2021 13:00
Lopetusaika: 17.09.2021 15:00
Kesto: 2 hours
Sijainti: Biomedicum1, lecture hall 3, Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki
Tyyppi: Dissertation
Organisaatio: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Yhteyshenkilö: heidi.backman@helsinki.fi
syyskuu 20

HiLIFE Webinar: MEDIX PRIZE OF THE MINERVA FOUNDATION 2021 - Award Ceremony and Lecture

The award lecture will be in the area of gut microbiota. Read the media release 20.9.2021, link will be found in the webinar website.

Host: Vesa Olkkonen

The Medix Prize by the Minerva Foundation is an important annual award for internationally high-level Finnish medical research. The Medix Prize is, in a manner of speaking, the Finnish championship for biomedicine. This year the Medix Prize will be awarded for the 34rd time.

The Medix Prize is awarded by the University of Helsinki and is donated to the university by the Minerva Foundation, which funds the Minerva Foundation Institute for Medical Research at Biomedicum Helsinki.

Aloitusaika: 20.09.2021 12:00
Lopetusaika: 20.09.2021 13:00
Sijainti: remotely
Tyyppi: Webinar
Organisaatio: Minerva Research Center
Yhteyshenkilö: hilife-seminars@helsinki.fi