Tapahtumakalenteri (vanha)
HiLIFE webinar: Eline Lorenzen
The main focus of Eline Lorenzen’s research is molecular ecology of large mammals (megafauna), and I am broadly interested in how climate change, environmental shifts, and human impact have affected the past and present abundance, distribution and evolution of megafauna species and communities. So far, my work has encompassed three overall areas: (i) continental-scale biogeography, (ii) past demographic inference using ancient DNA, and (iii) demographic inference and signals of natural selection using population genomics.
Welcome to this exciting seminar!
Jacqueline Moustakas-Verho
Kliinisen patologian nykynäkymiä: Jonas Kantonen
The Finnish Society for Immunology IMMUNOTOLERANCE SYMPOSIUM
The Finnish Society for Immunology (FSI: http://immunologiayhdistys.fi/en/about-us/) organises an online symposium titled IMMUNOTOLERANCE on September 9th 1 pm - 6 pm Helsinki time.
We have an excellent lineup of international and national speakers covering topical aspects of immune tolerance and autoimmunity, please see attached program for details and at the end of this message.
The Zoom link to the symposium will be sent to registered participants and you can now register here:
The Finnish Society for Immunology awards a biannual price for the Best Finnish PhD Thesis on Immunology and the awardee of years 2019-20 will be announced at the symposium.
For students (PhD candidates, medical doctors in specialisation training - credits applied from University of Helsinki), certificates of attendance will be given to those who complete a feedback form online, please tick the box in your registration form that you need a certificate.
Welcome to the symposium!
On behalf of the FSI,
The organising committee (Eliisa Kekäläinen, prof. Annamari Ranki, prof. Outi Mäkitie & Saila Laakso)
Kliinisen mikrobiologian perjantaisarja: Nelli Heikkilä
Dissertation: Samuli Salminen
Radiation-associated angiosarcoma after breast cancer in Finland - Incidence, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis
Opponent: professor Mef Nilbert, University of Copenhagen