How is academic publishing stained by fossil fuels?
Join us for a seminar and discussion about fossil fuel interests in publishing. 7th March, 13:30, Main Building, Central Campus. Could your approach to publication and reviewing help solve a global problem?
You might not know it, but many of the ways we do business as academics support fossil-fuel-heavy industries, such as supporting coal extraction through our choice of journal. Is this in line with your values and principles? In this session, speaker Audrey Bras from the University of Helsinki's Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences will illustrate how fossil fuel companies have found their way into scientific publishing and discuss different ways scientists can advocate for a fossil-free publishing system.
Come along to learn, contribute and meet others with the same concerns. Friday 7th March at 13:30, in person at Päärakennus/Huvudbyggnaden/Main building (Fabianinkatu 33), room U4075, or online via this Zoom link. To help us prepare for the event, please register using this short form.
This workshop is part of a 4-part series being held throughout the spring: "Get fossil fuels out of academia!". See more about the series here.
Future sessions will include:
- ethical alternatives in academic publishing
- fossil fuel interests in academic funding
- travel in academia
The workshops are organised by Scientist Rebellion Finland, a climate activist group for people involved in research, and supported by HELSUS.
The privilege to know, the duty to act.