
syyskuu 29

Dissertation: Juho Pirhonen

Juho Pirhonen, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine
Mechanisms of lipid deposition - application of novel omics techniques, tissue imaging methods, and their synergistic deployment in lipid research

Opponent: professor Pekka Taimen, Univeristy of Turku

Aloitusaika: 29.09.2023 13:00
Lopetusaika: 29.09.2023 15:00
Kesto: 2 hours
Sijainti: University of Helsinki main building, Fabianinkatu 33, Helsinki
Tyyppi: Dissertation
Organisaatio: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Yhteyshenkilö: juho.h.pirhonen@gmail.com
lokakuu 02

HiLIFE webinar / Viikki Monday Seminar Hans-Georg Kräusslich

The HIV-1 capsid as orchestrator of early replication  
Hans-Georg Kräusslich graduated from Medical School in Munich completed his doctoral thesis on viral protein processing in 1985. He then did a postdoc on poliovirus at State University of New York at Stony Brook. In 1989, he established his own group at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg working on assembly and replication of HIV. In 1995, he became full professor and Head of Department at the Heinrich-Pette-Institute in Hamburg, directing the Institute from 1996 to 1999. Since 2000, he has been the Head of Virology at Heidelberg University and since 2003 Director of the Department of Infectious Diseases. Currently he is the Dean of the Medical Faculty and coordinates a DFG Comprehensive Research Center on “Integrative Analysis of Pathogen Replication and Spread”. His contribution includes ~250 papers in international, peer-reviewed journals.
His research focuses on different aspects of retroviral biology, especially the formation and architecture of human immunodeficiency virus, the role of lipids in virus entry and egress, and the role of innate immunity during virus infection.
PhD students and postdocs are invited to sign up for lunch with the speaker (first 5 to contact me). If you would like to meet the speaker in Viikki on Monday, please let me know.
Welcome to this exciting seminar!  
Sarah Butcher
Selected publications:
Zila V, Margiotta E, Turoňová B, Müller TG, Zimmerli CE, Mattei S, Allegretti M, Börner K, Rada J, Müller B, Lusic M, Kräusslich HG, Beck M. (2021) Cone-shaped HIV-1 capsids are transported through intact nuclear pores. Cell 184(4):1032-1046.e18. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.01.025.
Müller TG, Zila V, Peters K, Schifferdecker S, Stanic M, Lucic B, Laketa V, Lusic M, Müller B, Kräusslich HG. (2021) HIV-1 uncoating by release of viral cDNA from capsid-like structures in the nucleus of infected cells. Elife 10:e64776. doi: 10.7554/eLife.64776
Zila V. Müller TG, Müller B, Kräusslich HG. (2021) HIV-1 capsid is the key orchestrator of early viral replication. PLoS Path. 17(12):e1010109. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1010109. (review)
Qu K, Ke Z, Zila V, Anders-Össwein M, Glass B, Mücksch F, Müller R, Schultz C, Müller B, Kräusslich HG, Briggs J. (2021) HIV-1 uncoating by release of viral cDNA from capsid-like structures in the nucleus of infected cells. Science 373: 700-704. DOI: 10.1126/science.abe6821
Ke Z, Oton J, Qu K, Cortese M, Zila V, McKeane L, Nakane T, Zivanov J, Neufeldt CJ, Cerikan B, Lu JM, Peukes J, Xiong X, Kräusslich HG, Scheres SHW, Bartenschlager R, Briggs JAG. (2021) Structures and distributions of SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins on intact virions. Nature 588(7838):498-502. doi: 10.1038/s41586-020-2665-2.
Zila V, Müller TG, Laketa V, Müller B, Kräusslich HG. (2019) Analysis of CA Content and CPSF6 Dependence of Early HIV-1 Replication Complexes in SupT1-R5 Cells. mBio. 10(6):e02501-19. doi: 10.1128/mBio.02501-19.
Bejarano DA, Peng K, Laketa V, Börner K, Jost KL, Lucic B, Glass B, Lusic M, Müller B, Kräusslich HG. (2019) HIV-1 nuclear import in macrophages is regulated by CPSF6-capsid interactions at the nuclear pore complex. Elife. 8:e41800. doi: 10.7554/eLife.41800.
Sakin V, Hanne J, Dunder J, Anders-Össwein M, Laketa V, Nikić I, Kräusslich HG, Lemke EA, Müller B. 2017. A Versatile Tool for Live-Cell Imaging and Super-Resolution Nanoscopy Studies of HIV-1 Env Dis-tribution and Mobility. Cell Chem Biol. 24(5):635-645.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.chembiol.2017.04.007
Mattei S, Glass B, Hagen WJ, Kräusslich HG, Briggs JA. 2016. The structure and flexibility of conical HIV-1 capsids determined within intact virions. Science. 2016 Dec 16;354(6318):1434-1437
Hanne J, Göttfert F, Schimer J, Anders-Össwein M, Konvalinka J, Engelhardt J, Müller B, Hell SW, Kräuss-lich HG. 2016a. Stimulated Emission Depletion Nanoscopy Reveals Time-Course of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Proteolytic Maturation. ACS Nano. 10(9):8215-22
Schur FKM, Obr M, Hagen W, Wan W, Jakobi AJ, Kirkpatrick JM, Sachse C, Kräusslich HG, Briggs JAG. 2016 An atomic model of HIV-1 capsid-SP1 reveals structures regulating assembly and maturation. Sci-ence 353 (6298), 506-508
Peng K, Muranyi W., Glass B, Laketa V, Yant SR, Tsai L, Cihlar T, Müller B, Kräusslich HG. 2014. Quantita-tive microscopy of functional HIV post-entry complexes reveals association of replication with the viral capsid. eLife 10.7554/eLife.04114

Aloitusaika: 02.10.2023 13:00
Lopetusaika: 02.10.2023 14:00
Kesto: 1 hour
Sijainti: Biocenter 1, Lecture Hall1401, Viikinkaari 9,
Tyyppi: Seminar
Organisaatio: Helsinki Institute of Life Science HiLIFE
Yhteyshenkilö: hilife-seminars@helsinki.fi
lokakuu 03

Dosentin arvon hakijoiden opetusnäytteet

Dosentin arvoa hakeneet antavat hakemuksen yhteydessä opetusnäytteen. Opetusnäytteet ovat avoimia tilaisuuksia tiedekuntalaisille ja opiskelijoille. Lämpimästi tervetuloa!
Aika: tiistai 3.10.2023 klo 12.40-14.30
Join Zoom Meeting
(Meeting ID: 660 5046 0400, Passcode: 288915)
12.40-13.10 Filosofian tohtori Helena Hauta-alus (ravitsemustiede) aihe: Lasten ravitsemus ja luustoterveys; kohderyhmänä: Kansanravitsemus-kurssin opiskelijat.
13.10-14.00 Tauko
14.00-14.30 Filosofian tohtori Kristiina Rajamäki (molekyylilääketiede) aihe: Tulehdussolut syöpäkasvaimessa - esimerkkinä kolorektaalisyöpä; kohderyhmänä: Maisteri- ja jatko-opiskelijat.

Aloitusaika: 03.10.2023 12:40
Lopetusaika: 03.10.2023 14:00
Kesto: 1 hour 20 minutes
Sijainti: remotely
Tyyppi: Docententship lecture
Organisaatio: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Yhteyshenkilö: anni.korjo@helsinki.fi
lokakuu 04

Sigve Nakken: Computational frameworks to support precision cancer medicine

Speaker: Sigve Nakken, PhD., Adjunct Professor (Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital; Department of Informatics, University of Oslo)


Speaker’s lunch

Directly after the talk there will be the possibility to join for a speaker’s lunch 12.05-13.00 in the FIMM 3rd floor meeting room. If you would like to join, please register in advance by sending an email to tamara.luck@helsinki.fi by Monday morning, Oct. 2, to reserve your spot and inform of potential allergies or dietary restrictions. 


If you otherwise wish to discuss with Sigve during his visit, please contact the host Vilja Pietiäinen to ask for any free slots available (vilja.pietiainen@helsinki.fi). 



Sigve Nakken works as a scientist at the Institute for Cancer Research at Oslo University Hospital, Norway, with affiliation to the Centre for Cancer Cell Reprogramming (CanCell), a Centre of Excellence at the University of Oslo. In addition, he holds an Adjunct Professor position at the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo. Nakken’s main interests are tool development for clinical interpretation of cancer genomes, mechanisms and impact of DNA variation in cancer (soma and germline), and knowledge integration for precision cancer medicine. He has a background in computer science (MSc) and computational biology (PhD), and extensive experience with analysis of data from high-throughput sequencing technologies. He is the lead developer of multiple bioinformatics tools used in high-throughput cancer biology.




Aloitusaika: 04.10.2023 11:00
Lopetusaika: 04.10.2023 12:00
Sijainti: Biomedicum 2, 3rd floor lunch space
Tyyppi: Seminar
Organisaatio: iCAN Flagship Team
Yhteyshenkilö: vilja.pietiainen@helsinki.fi
lokakuu 06

Dissertation: Maiju Pankakoski

Maiju Pankakoski, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Program in Population Health, Finnish Cancer Registry
Effectiveness of testing for cervical cancer in and outside a population-based screening program

Opponent:   Director, Ph.D. Paolo Giorgi Rossi, Inter-institutional Epidemiology Service in Reggio Emilia, Italy

Aloitusaika: 06.10.2023 12:00
Lopetusaika: 06.10.2023 14:00
Kesto: 2 hours
Sijainti: Porthania PII, Yliopistonkatu 3, Helsinki
Tyyppi: Dissertation
Organisaatio: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Yhteyshenkilö: maiju.pankakoski@cancer.fi