Tapahtumakalenteri (vanha)
Science talks and Teaching demonstrations of HiLIFE Assistant/Associate professor candidates
Science talks 9:30-11 AM
Katri Korpela, University of Helsinki, Faculty of MedicineSpecial Seminars by Drs. Tuomas Tammela and Pekka Katajisto
Dr. Tuomas Tammela’s lab is interested in understanding the remarkable phenotypic heterogeneity of cancer cells within tumors. They approach this question using a combination of sophisticated genetically engineered mouse models, single-cell approaches, tracing and ablation of distinct tumor cell lineages, CRISPR-mediated gene regulation, and advanced imaging techniques. Tammela’s goal is to discover pathways that drive distinct cellular phenotypes and to develop new therapeutic concepts aimed at reducing cellular heterogeneity in tumors.
Recent publications:
Pitter KL, Grbovic-Huezo O, Joost S, Singhal A, Blum M, Wu K, Holm M, Ferrena A, Bhutkar A, Hudson A, Lecomte N, de Stanchina E, Chaligne R, Iacobuzio-Donahue CA, Pe'er D, Tammela T. Systematic Comparison of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Models Identifies a Conserved Highly Plastic Basal Cell State. Cancer Res. 2022 Oct 4;82(19):3549-3560.
Torborg SR, Li Z, Chan JE, Tammela T. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of plasticity in cancer. Trends Cancer. 2022 Sep;8(9):735-746.
Marjanovic ND, Hofree M, Chan JE, …, Tammela T. Emergence of a High- Plasticity Cell State during Lung Cancer Evolution. Cancer Cell. 2020 Aug 10;38(2):229-246.e13.
Dr. Pekka Katajisto, University of Helsinki
Dr. Pekka Katajisto’s laboratory studies both stem cell intrinsic, and extrinsic mechanisms altering tissue renewal capacity, and how such mechanisms ultimately result in the functional decline we recognize as aging. Tissue resident stem cells (aka. adult stem cells) renew and repair our tissues. However, in order to secure tissue homeostasis, generation of new stem cells via self-renewal and their differentiation into functional cells must be carefully balanced. During aging, multiple types of alterations directly in stem cells, or in their tissue neighbourhood can disturb this balance.
Recent publications:
Englund JI, Bui H, Dinç DD, Paavolainen O, McKenna T, Laitinen S, Munne P, Klefström J, Peuhu E, Katajisto P. Laminin matrix adhesion regulates basal mammary epithelial cell identity. J Cell Sci. 2022 Dec 1;135(23):jcs260232.
Pentinmikko N, Lozano R, Scharaw S, Andersson S, Englund JI, Castillo- Azofeifa D, Gallagher A, Broberg M, Song KY, Sola Carvajal A, Speidel AT, Sundstrom M, Allbritton N, Stevens MM, Klein OD, Teixeira A, Katajisto P. Cellular shape reinforces niche to stem cell signaling in the small intestine. Sci Adv. 2022 Oct 14;8(41):eabm1847.
Azkanaz M, Corominas-Murtra B, Ellenbroek SIJ, Bruens L, Webb AT, Laskaris D, Oost KC, Lafirenze SJA, Annusver K, Messal HA, Iqbal S, Flanagan DJ, Huels DJ, Rojas-Rodríguez F, Vizoso M, Kasper M, Sansom OJ, Snippert HJ, Liberali P, Simons BD, Katajisto P, Hannezo E, van Rheenen J. Retrograde movements determine effective stem cell numbers in the intestine. Nature. 2022 Jul;607(7919):548-554.
Science talks and Teaching demonstrations of HiLIFE Assistant/Associate professor candidates
Kaisa Kajala, Utrecht University
Ilkka Kronholm, University of Jyväskylä
Science talks and Teaching demonstrations of HiLIFE Assistant/Associate professor candidates
Science talks 9:30-11:30
Jette Lengefeld, University of Helsinki, Institute of Biotechnology, HiLIFE
Simon Pfisterer, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine
Andrea Ganna, University of Helsinki, FIMM, HiLIFE
Teaching demonstration
12.30 – 13.00 Jette Lengefeld, University of Helsinki, Institute of Biotechnology, HiLIFEDissertation: Claudia Taipale
Opponent: professor Morten Moe, University of Oslo