Tapahtumakalenteri (vanha)
Dissertation: Maarit Ahava
Opponent: docent Eeva Broberg, European Centre for Disease Prevention
Dissertation: Pihla Tommiska
Opponent: professor, MD, MBA Isabelle M. Germano, Department of Neurosurgery, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital
HiLIFE webinar / Viikki Monday Seminar: Iruka Okeke
Insights from the genomes of bloodstream pathogens from Nigeria's Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System
Iruka Okeke is Professor of Pharmaceutical Microbiology and a Calestous Juma Science Leadership Fellow at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Her research group uses microbiology, genetic and genomic methods to investigate the mechanisms bacteria use to colonize humans, cause disease and gain drug resistance. She also studies laboratory practice in Africa and contributes to collaborative genomic surveillance for antimicrobial resistance. Iruka has authored several scientific articles as well as the books Divining Without Seeds: The case for strengthening laboratory medicine in Africa (Cornell) and Genetics: Genes, Genomes and Evolution (Oxford). She is a Fellow of the Nigerian and African Academies of Science.
Twitter: @iruka_okeke
Welcome to this exciting seminar!
Selected publications:
Okeke IN, Aboderin AO, Egwuenu A, Underwood A, Afolayan AO, Kekre M, Oaikhena AO, Odih EE, Omotayo HT, Dada-Adegbola H, Ogunleye VO, Ikhimiukor OO, Aanensen DM, Ihekweazu C. Establishing a national reference laboratory for antimicrobial resistance using a whole-genome sequencing framework: Nigeria's experience. Microbiology (Reading). 2022 Aug;168(8). doi: 10.1099/mic.0.001208. PMID: 35980376.
Afolayan AO, Oaikhena AO, Aboderin AO, Olabisi OF, Amupitan AA, Abiri OV, Ogunleye VO, Odih EE, Adeyemo AT, Adeyemo AT, Obadare TO, Abrudan M, Argimón S, David S, Kekre M, Underwood A, Egwuenu A, Ihekweazu C, Aanensen DM, Okeke IN; NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Genomic Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance. Clones and Clusters of Antimicrobial-Resistant Klebsiella From Southwestern Nigeria. Clin Infect Dis. 2021 Dec 1;73(Suppl_4):S308-S315. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciab769. PMID: 34850837; PMCID: PMC8634535.
Okeke IN. Twenty steps to ingrain power asymmetry in global health biomedical research. PLoS Biol. 2021 Sep 30;19(9):e3001411. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3001411. PMID: 34591836; PMCID: PMC8483766.
Monárrez R, Braun M, Coburn-Flynn O, Botelho J, Odetoyin BW, Otero-Vera JI, Quartey NKE, Peixe L, Aboderin AO, Okeke IN. A large self-transmissible resistance plasmid from Nigeria contains genes that ameliorate a carrying cost. Sci Rep. 2019 Dec 23;9(1):19624. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-56064-z. PMID: 31873110; PMCID: PMC6927977.
Metabolomics symposium
PLEASE REGISTER HERE: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/119388/lomake.html
Students, come and earn credits!
Wednesday 2nd Nov
MEILAHTI Biomedicum, Hall 3, Haartmaninkatu 8
9.15-9.20 Opening words by Prof. Teemu Teeri, PI of
the Metabo-HiLIFE Metabolomics Platform
TOPIC 1 Metabolomics data analysis
9.20-10.05 Hans Stenlund, Umeå University, SWE:
“Chemometrics in Metabolomics – what, how and why”
10.30-11.15 Kati Hanhineva, UTU: “Notame-pipeline
in food and nutritional metabolomics data-analysis”
11.15-12.00 Zhixu Ni, TU Dresden, GER: ”LC-MS based
(epi)Lipidomics data analysis and integration workflows”
LUNCH (own expense)
TOPIC 2 MS-based
imaging - DESI & SIMS
13.30-14.15 John Fletcher, University of
Gothenburg, SWE: “Secondary ion mass spectrometry – making the leap from
semiconductors to biology”
14.15-15.00 Ingela Lanekoff, Uppsala University,
SWE: "Quantitative mass spectrometry imaging with nano-DESI"
15.00-15.30 Wei Rao, Waters: "High resolution
mass spectrometry imaging of metabolites with DESI and MALDI"
MS-based imaging - MALDI
15:45-16.15 Seppo Auriola, UEF: ”MALDI imaging mass
spectrometry in ocular drug research”
16:15-16.45 Andras Kiss, Bruker: "MALDI Mass
Spectrometry Imaging is more than pretty images"
Thursday 3rd Nov VIIKKI Biocenter 2, Hall 2041, Viikinkaari 5
9.15-10.15 Kim Ekroos, Lipidomics Consulting: “Lipidomics
- A Central Field for Advancing Human Health”
10.45-11.15 Martjin Molenaar, Utrecht University, NL: "LION/web: a web-suite for lipidomics data analysis"
11.15-11.45 Satu
Lehti, JYU: “High density cholesterol changes across menopausal change”
11.45-12.15 Cagakan Ozbalci, SCIEX:
"Advancements for metabolomics and lipidomics workflows on ZenoToF
LUNCH (own expense)
13.30-14.30 Roland Nilsson, Karolinska
Institutet, SWE: “Towards systematic metabolic flux analysis in human cells and
14.30-15.00 Jeffrey Barret,
Nightingale: "Nightingale blood biomarkers and preventative
15.30-16.00 Nyasha Munjoma, Waters: “Lipidomic and DESI imaging study of mouse liver extracts dosed with tyrosine kinase inhibiting drug”
16.00-16.45 Rahul Deshpande, Thermo Fisher Scientific: “From data to knowledge: Intelligence-driven workflow solutions for Metabolomics”
Students - ILS-149 course - 1 cr
Obligatory attendance to all 4 seminar
topics during the 2-day symposium (signature required).
Writing of 4 learning diaries, 1
learning diary from each seminar topic (each 1 page long). Send the learning
diaries to minna.holopainen@helsinki.fi
Metabolomics Symposium is organized by Viikki
Metabolomics Unit (ViMU), FIMM Metabolomics/Lipidomics/Fluxomics Unit (FIMM
Meta) and Helsinki University Lipidomics Unit (HiLIPID).
The symposium is sponsored by Waters.
iCAN science seminar series
Prof. Sirpa Leppä, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer center: