Tapahtumakalenteri (vanha)
Dissertation: Markus Sainio
Opponent: PhD Pascale Bomont, University of Lyon
Kliinisen mikrobiologian perjantaisarja: Reetta Sihvonen
Reetta Sihvonen, erikoistuva mikrobiologi
Dissertation: Ines Beilmann-Lehtonen
Opponent: professor Juha Saarnio, University of Oulu
Medix Prize Award Ceremony and Lecture 2022
Topic area of the lecture: Mechanism of function of antidepressant drugs. Read the media release 12.9.2022, link will be found in the HiLIFE seminar website.
Host: Vesa Olkkonen
The Medix Prize by the Minerva Foundation is an important annual award for internationally high-level Finnish medical research. The Medix Prize is, in a manner of speaking, the Finnish championship for biomedicine. This year the Medix Prize will be awarded for the 35th time.
The Medix Prize is awarded by the University of Helsinki and is donated to the university by the Minerva Foundation, which funds the Minerva Foundation Institute for Medical Research at Biomedicum Helsinki.
Dissertation: Kristiina Karila
Opponent: Adjunct Professor Kristin Bjornland, University of Oslo