Tapahtumakalenteri (vanha)

toukokuu 06

Dissertation: Taija Korpela

​Taija Korpela, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Abdominal Centre, Helsinki University Hospital, Doctoral Program in Clinical Research

Opponent: docent Juhani Sand, University of Tampere

Aloitusaika: 06.05.2022 12:00
Lopetusaika: 06.05.2022 14:00
Kesto: 2 hours
Sijainti: Biomedicum1, lecture hall 3, Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki
Tyyppi: Dissertation
Organisaatio: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Yhteyshenkilö: taija.korpela@hus.fi
toukokuu 09

HiLIFE webinar / Viikki Monday Seminar: Silvia Marchesan

​D-amino acids open the door into the Wonderland of peptide self-assembly

Silvia started her career at the University of Trieste where she received her MSc. degree under the guidance of Prof. Maurizio Prato. Then she conducted PhD studies (2004-2008) at the University of Edinburgh and University College of London under the guidance of Dr. Derek Macmillan on the development of chemoenzymatic strategies for glycobiology. In addition, she has conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Helsinki (2008-2010), and CSIRO-Monash University (2010-2012). In 2013, she returned to the University of Trieste to start her independent career, where in 2015 she opened the Superstructures Lab thanks to a strating grant, and in 2018 was appointed Associate Professor. During this time, her work has been recognized with several awards:  

2018 Top-11 Rising Star in the natural sciences worldwide (Nature Index) - 2018 

2019 Nature Chemistry 10th Anniversary Special Issue "Charting a Course for Chemistry" - 2019 

2021 RSC Soft Matter Lectureship 

2021 Visiting academic at the University of Cambridge.  

Her research interests is at the interface of Chemistry, Biology and Molecular Medicine and spans nanotechnology, peptide chemistry, and supramolecular chemistry.   

Marchesan research group 



Welcome to this exciting seminar!  

Je­sus Perea Buceta and Päivi Tammela 


Selected publications: 

“Nanoscale Assembly of Functional Peptides with Divergent Programming Elements” ACS Nano 2021, 15, 2, 3015–3025 (JUFO:3, IF:15.88) https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsnano.0c09386 

“Cages meet gels: Smart materials with dual porosity” Matter 2021, 4, P2123 https://www.cell.com/matter/pdf/S2590-2385(21)00179-X.pdf 

“ Heterochirality and Halogenation Control Phe-Phe Hierarchical Assembly” ACS Nano 2020, 14, 12, 16951–16961 (JUFO:3, IF:15.88) https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsnano.0c06041 

“ Embedding and Positioning of Two FeII4L4 Cages in Supramolecular Tripeptide Gels for Selective Chemical Segregation” Angewante Chemie Int Ed. (JUFO: 3, IF: 15:336) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.201900429 

“ Nanomaterials for stimulating nerve growth” Science, 2017, 356, 1010-1011.  (JUFO: 3, IF: 47.7)   https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.aan1227 

Aloitusaika: 09.05.2022 15:00
Lopetusaika: 09.05.2022 16:00
Sijainti: remotely
Tyyppi: Webinar
Organisaatio: Helsinki Institute of Life Science HiLIFE
Yhteyshenkilö: hilife-seminars@helsinki.fi
toukokuu 11

iCAN Webinar: Implementing transparent and highquality real-world data networks for evidence generation at scale

The webinar will focus on implementing high-quality, harmonized RWD/RWE networks for cancer research, decision making and regulatory purposes. The key questions addressed include the integration of academic and commercial RWD sources for fit-forpurpose,
accessable RWE generation, and data structures and models best supportive of recent EU regulation (GDPR, EHDS).
Aloitusaika: 11.05.2022 14:00
Lopetusaika: 11.05.2022 15:45
Kesto: 1 hour 45 minutes
Sijainti: remotely
Tyyppi: Webinar
Organisaatio: iCAN Flagship Team
Yhteyshenkilö: ilona.kotala@helsinki.fi
toukokuu 12

FiCAN Seminar: Martti Nykter

Epigenetic and transcriptomic drivers of treatment resistance in prostate cancer

​Matti Nykter, FICAN Research Professor, FICAN Research Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, Tampere University

Learn more about the speaker:https://research.tuni.fi/computational-biology/

Prostate cancer is a major global health burden with highly heterogeneous paths for disease progression. Role of AR as a main genomic determinant of treatment resistance is well established. Yet, heterogeneous mechanisms that contribute to disease progressions and treatment resistance are not well understood, hindering clinical management of the disease. In my talk, I will focus on our recent work on epigenetic and transcriptomic mechanisms to address these challenges.

We have recently characterized alterations in prostate cancer epigenome over the disease progression and gained insight into the impact of various genomic aberrations at the level of gene regulatory mechanisms. These studies have identified possible targets for development of new therapeutic approaches, where instead of targeting the molecules directly, epigenetic drugs could be targeted on cancer associated regulatory elements acquired, for example through enhancer hijacking. By combining single cell sequencing at transcriptomic and epigenetic levels, we uncovered and characterized treatment resistant subpopulations of cancer cells from prostate cancer cells. With spatial transcriptomics and bulk sequencing data from tumor tissue samples we demonstrated that expression signature of these cells is present in untreated primary samples and is predictive of treatment outcome both in primary and late stage disease.

Taken together, we are starting to gain understanding on the emergence of treatment resistance and disease progression at the level of epigenetic and transcriptomic regulation, tumor tissue organization and microenvironment in the context of the evolutionary history of the tumors.

Aloitusaika: 12.05.2022 15:00
Lopetusaika: 12.05.2022 16:00
Sijainti: remotely
Tyyppi: Seminar
Organisaatio: Finnish Cancer Center (FICAN)
Yhteyshenkilö: merja.helenius@tuni.fi.
toukokuu 13

Kliinisen mikrobiologian perjantaisarja: Jorma Komulainen

Diagnostisten tutkimusten arviointi

Jorma Komulainen, dosentti, lastentautien ja lastenendokrinologian erikoislääkäri, Suomalainen Lääkäriseura Duodecim

Aloitusaika: 13.05.2022 10:00
Lopetusaika: 13.05.2022 11:00
Kesto: 1 hour
Sijainti: remotely
Tyyppi: Seminar
Organisaatio: HUS
Yhteyshenkilö: maarit.ahava@hus.fi