Tapahtumakalenteri (vanha)
Studia Medicina: Kulttuuri ja Terveys
Osastonylilääkäri Katinka Tuisku: Kuvat terapiana
Apulaisprofessori Teppo Särkämö HY/HUS: Musiikin parantava voima
Arkkiatri Risto Pelkonen: Terveyttä taiteestaPuheenjohtaja: Professori Kimmo Kontula
Aloitusaika: 19.01.2022 17:00
Lopetusaika: 19.01.2022 19:00
Kesto: 1 hour
Sijainti: remotely
Tyyppi: Webinar
Organisaatio: Biocentrum Helsinki
Yhteyshenkilö: saatio@biomedicum.fi
Dissertation: Laura Seppälä
Laura Seppälä, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Program in Clinical Research
Maternal morbidity, perinatal factors and childhood cancer in the offspring
Opponent: professor Miia Artama, University Tampere
Aloitusaika: 21.01.2022 12:00
Lopetusaika: 21.01.2022 14:00
Kesto: 2 hours
Sijainti: remotely
Tyyppi: Dissertation
Organisaatio: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Yhteyshenkilö: laura.seppala@hus.fi
Dissertation: Rabeia Almahmoudi
Rabeia Almahmoudi, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Program in Clinical Research
Role of Interleukin-17F in Oral Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Opponent: Professor Daniela-Elena Costea, University of Bergen
Aloitusaika: 21.01.2022 13:00
Lopetusaika: 21.01.2022 15:00
Kesto: 2 hours
Sijainti: remotely
Tyyppi: Dissertation
Organisaatio: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Yhteyshenkilö: rabeia.mustafa@helsinki.fi
HiLIFE Webinar: Sarah Cohen
Organelle dynamics and lipid trafficking
January HiLIFE webinars are organized by WILS Helsinki/Women in Life Science network in University of Helsinki.
Sarah is a cell biologist with more than 15 years of experience studying organelle dynamics and function. During her Ph.D. training in the laboratory of Dr. Nelly Panté at the University of British Columbia, she studied the nuclear entry mechanism of a small non-enveloped parvovirus. She found that parvoviruses hijack host mechanisms for nuclear envelope breakdown normally used during mitosis and apoptosis to gain access to the nucleus (JVI 2011; PLoS Pathogens 2013). Her Ph.D. work on nuclear envelope breakdown triggered her interest in organelle dynamics, biogenesis, and inheritance, and led her to the lab of Dr. Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz for postdoctoral training. During her postdoctoral fellowship, she developed novel assays for visualizing the trafficking of fluorescent fatty acid analogues (Dev. Cell 2015). Together with colleagues, she developed methods for live-cell multispectral imaging, which allows the observation of up to six different fluorophores simultaneously in a living cell (Nature 2017; Current Protocols in Cell Biology 2018). Finally, during the latter part of her postdoctoral training supported by a K99 award from the National Institute on Aging, she gained training in neuroscience, Alzheimer’s Disease, and aging. These skills have perfectly positioned her to start her own research group in the Department of Cell Biology and Physiology at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill in 2017, studying the important questions of how lipids move among organelles and between cells in various tissues, in health and disease. They have recently characterized the functions of proteins at ER-lipid droplet (PLOS Genetics 2020, MBoC 2021) and lipid droplet-mitochondria (in preparation) membrane contact sites.
Welcome to this exciting webinar!
Swetha Gpalakrishnan
Selected publications:
Valm AM*, Cohen S*, Legant WR, Melunis J, Hershberg U, Wait E, Cohen AR, Davidson MW, Betzig E, and Lippincott-Schwartz J. (2017). Applying systems-level spectral imaging and analysis to reveal the organelle interactome. Nature 546: 162-167. *Equal contribution.
Cohen S*, Valm AM*, and Lippincott-Schwartz J. (2018). Multispectral live-cell imaging. Current Protocols in Cell Biology e46, doi: 10.1002/cpcb.46. *Equal contribution.
Joshi AS#, Ragusa JV, Prinz WA and Cohen S#. (2021). Multiple C2 domain-containing transmembrane proteins promote lipid droplet biogenesis and growth at specialized ER subdomains. Molecular Biology of the Cell 32(12): 1147-1157. #Co-corresponding.
Aloitusaika: 24.01.2022 16:00
Lopetusaika: 24.01.2022 17:00
Kesto: 1 hour
Sijainti: remotely
Tyyppi: Webinar
Organisaatio: Helsinki Institute of Life Science HiLIFE
Yhteyshenkilö: hilife-seminars@helsinki.fi
Kliinisen patologian nykynäkymiä: Juha Klefström
Aloitusaika: 25.01.2022 12:15
Lopetusaika: 25.01.2022 13:00
Kesto: 45 minutes
Sijainti: Patologian kirjasto (C-porras, 2. krs), Haartmaninkatu 3, 00290 Helsinki
Tyyppi: Seminar
Organisaatio: UH, Faculty of Medicine