Tapahtumakalenteri (vanha)
Timo Otonkosken juhlasymposium
Lääketieteellisen kantasolututkimuksen professori Timo Otonkoski on jäänyt eläkkeelle tänä keväänä. Tervetuloa hänen juhlasymposiumiinsa Biomedicumiin (luentosali 1) maanantaina 17.6.2024 klo 13-17. Ohjelma (ohessa) sisältää sekä HiLife seminaariluennon (prof. Andrew Hattersley) että Lastentautien tutkimuskeskuksen PRC-luennon (prof. Decio Eizirik). Tilaisuuteen liittyvien tarjoilujen vuoksi pyydämme ystävällisesti osallistujia ilmoittautumaan tämän linkin kautta: https://onlinepayments.it.helsinki.fi/product/symposium-and-dinner-in-honour-of-timo-otonkoskis-retirement/
Samana iltana on juhlaillallinen Ravintola Kalastajatorpan Merisalissa alkaen klo 19. Siihen voi ilmoittautua saman linkin kautta: https://onlinepayments.it.helsinki.fi/product/symposium-and-dinner-in-honour-of-timo-otonkoskis-retirement/
Illalliskortin hinta on 115 euroa, ja se maksetaan ilmoittautumisen yhteydessä.
Professor of Medical Stem Cell Research Timo Otonkoski retired this spring. We welcome you to celebrate his career in a special symposium in Biomedicum (lecture hall 1) on Monday 17th June at 1pm to 5pm. The symposium will include the HiLife seminar presented by Andrew Hattersley and the Pediatric Research Center Lecture presented by Decio Eizirik. The full program is attached to this email. We ask you to kindly register to the event through this link: https://onlinepayments.it.helsinki.fi/product/symposium-and-dinner-in-honour-of-timo-otonkoskis-retirement/
Following the symposium there will be a gala dinner at Restaurant Kalastajatorppa (Merisali) at 7pm. Registration to the dinner can be completed through the symposium web form, at https://onlinepayments.it.helsinki.fi/product/symposium-and-dinner-in-honour-of-timo-otonkoskis-retirement/. The price of the dinner card is 115 euros.
HiLIFE seminar and Jubilee Symposium of Professor Timo Otonkoski
Hattersley from the University
of Exeter, UK will give a talk in the HiLIFE seminar series on June
17th at 13.15-14.00 in the Biomedicum 1, Lecture Hall 1 (Haartmaninkatu 8). Talk is part of the
Jubilee Symposium of Professor Timo Otonkoski.
Please find the programme of the symposium here.
We ask you to kindly register to this seminar through this link by June 6th.
Diisertation: Miia Perälä
Opponent: docent Jussi Liippo, University of Turku
Special seminar: Professor Clemens M. F. Dirven
Oncolytic virotherapy for brain tumors
Clemens M. F. Dirven, MD, PhD
Department of Neurosurgery, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam,
Host: Akseli Hemminki
Dissertation: Saru Basnet
Basnet, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine
Cancer immunotherapy with oncolytic viruses armed with cytokines and fusion proteins
Opponent: Professor Clemens M. F. Dirven, Erasmus University Rotterdam