Tapahtumakalenteri (vanha)
Dissertation: Mirjami Laivuori
Opponent: professor Philippe Kolh, University of Liège
Dissertation: John Söderholm
Opponent: Professor Emeritus Jyrki Korkeila, University of Turku
HiLIFE webinar / Biomedicum Helsinki seminar: Franziska Richter Assencio
Dr. Franziska Richter Assencio got her PhD from Free University of Berlin at 2007, and thereafter she did a 5-year post doctoral training in Marie-Françoise Chesselet’s laboratory at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA, USA). Dr. Richter Assencio worked in Leipzig University in 2012-2019 as assistant/associate professor in pharmacology and toxicology, before receiving full professorship in University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation (TiHo). Her research has focused on translational preclinical drug development, particularly in neurological disorders and novel drug delivery systems.
Welcome to this exciting seminar!
Timo Myöhänen
Selected publications:
Schidlitzki A, Stanojlovic M, Fournier C, Käufer C, Feja M, Gericke B, Garzotti M, Welford RWD, Steiner M, Angot E, Richter F (2023) Double-edged effects of venglustat on behavior and pathology in mice overexpressing alpha-synuclein. Mov Disord 2023 Jun;38(6):1044-1055.
Richter F, Stanojlovic M., Käufer C, Gericke B, Malte F (2023) A mouse model to test novel therapeutics for Parkinson’s disease: an update on the Thy1-aSyn (“line 61”) mice. Neurotherapeutics DOI: 10.1007/s13311-022-01338-0 PMID: 36715870
Käufer C, Schreiber CS, Hartke AS, Denden I, Stanelle-Bertram S, Beck S, Kouassi NM, Beythien G, Becker K, Schreiner T, Schaumburg B, Beineke A, Baumgärtner W, Gabriel G, Richter F (2022) Microgliosis and neuronal proteinopathy in brain persist beyond viral clearance in SARS-CoV-2 hamster model. EBioMedicine 79, 103999. PMID: 35439679
Torres ERS, Stanojlovic M, Zelikowsky M, Bonsberger J, Hean S, Mulligan C, Baldauf L, Fleming S, Masliah E, Chesselet MF, Fanselow MS, Richter F (2021) Alpha-synuclein pathology, microgliosis, and parvalbumin neuron loss in the amygdala associated with enhanced fear in the Thy1-aSyn model of Parkinson's disease. Neurobiol Dis. 158, 105478. PMID: 34390837
Helmschrodt C, Höbel S, Schöniger S, Bauer A, Bonicelli J, Gringmuth M, Fietz SA, Aigner A, Richter A, Richter F (2017) Polyethylenimine nanoparticle-mediated siRNA delivery to reduce alpha-synuclein expression in a model of Parkinson’s disease. Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids 9, 57-68.
Pharmacology Department Seminars
Bioinformatics in RNA analysis
FICAN science webinar
This time the seminar is organized by FICAN North. The seminar will be held online (Microsoft Teams) at 15:00-16:00 and is open to everyone interested in cancer research: