Etusivu » Tapahtumakalenteri (vanha)
Tapahtumakalenteri (vanha)
Jubilee symposium of professor Hannele Yki-Järvinen
Aloitusaika: 01.03.2024 14:00
Lopetusaika: 01.03.2024 18:00
Kesto: 3 hours
Dosentin arvon hakijoiden opetusnäytteet
arvoa hakeneet antavat hakemuksen yhteydessä opetusnäytteen. Opetusnäytteet
ovat avoimia tilaisuuksia tiedekuntalaisille ja opiskelijoille. Lämpimästi
12.00-12:30 Filosofian tohtori Astrid Murumägi (haettu dosentin arvon
ala: molekyylilääketiede) aihe: Application of functional precision medicine in
cancer research; kohderyhmänä: MSc and PhD students.
12.30-12.40 Tauko
12.40-13.10 Lääketieteen tohtori Jussi Toppila (haettu dosentin arvon
ala: kliininen neurofysiologia) aihe: Status epilepticus EEG:ssä; kohderyhmänä:
Erikoistuvat lääkärit, neurologia ja kliininen neurofysiologia.
13.10-14.00 Tauko
14.00-14:30 Filosofian tohtori Riitta Saarela (haettu dosentin arvon
ala: gerontologia) aihe: Suunterveyden ylläpitäminen osana ikääntyneen
ravitsemusta ja terveyttä; kohderyhmänä: Lääketieteen ja hammaslääketieteen
opiskelijat, kurssiaste 2.
14.30-14.40 Tauko
14.40-15.10 Filosofian tohtori Anne Filppula (haettu dosentin arvon
ala: translationaalinen lääketutkimus) aihe: TBD; kohderyhmänä: TRANSMED
Anni Korjo
HR lähipalvelut/Lääketieteellinen
Helsingin yliopisto
Dosenttiasioiden palvelusähköposti:
Aloitusaika: 06.03.2024 12:00
Lopetusaika: 06.03.2024 15:10
Kesto: 3 hours 10 minutes
iCAN science seminar: Dr. Arafath (Rafa) Najumudeen
KRAS rocks – Role in metabolism, cancer progression, and therapy resistanceSpeaker:
Dr. Arafath (Rafa) Najumudeen, FIMM,
Institute of Biotechnology, HiLIFE, University of Helsinki
Arafath (Rafa) Najumudeen received his PhD from Åbo Akademi University,
studying oncogenic signaling proteins. He did his postdoctoral work in Prof.
Owen Sansom’s lab in CRUK Scotland Institute, describing spatial organization
of metabolism in colorectal cancer using preclinical mouse models. Rafa is
currently an academy fellow, and his lab focuses on the metabolic and
mutational heterogeneity of intestinal stem cells and cancer using spatial-omics
approaches and preclinical mouse models.
Coffee will be served
before the seminar.
Aloitusaika: 06.03.2024 13:30
Lopetusaika: 06.03.2024 14:30
Stéphane Deny: Big questions in neuroscience and current limits of knowledge
Are you interested in what are the key open research questions in different fields of neuroscience?
What are the current conceptual and methodological limitations?
What are the biggest hurdles for effective prevention and treatment of psychiatric and neurological diseases?
Come and hear our top neuroscientists discuss these and other timely questions in the context of their research. The events are open to students, postdocs, group leaders, or anyone interested in neuroscience, and science in general.
Organizer: Professor Iiris Hovatta, Doctoral Programme Brain & Mind
Assistant Professor Stéphane Deny, Aalto University: Building Computational Models of the Visual System
Stéphane Deny, PhD is assistant professor at the Departments of Neuroscience and Computer Science at the Aalto University. His group works in the interface of neuroscience and artificial intelligence, especially on the visual system and computer vision. In particular, Stephane is interested in building computational models of the visual system that can match and explain the efficiency of the visual system, efficiency in terms of energy, data needed, and processing time. In this seminar, Stephane will discuss two well-studied psychology phenomena, mental rotation and pop-out effect, which to this day are still lacking robust and comprehensive computational models, and he will present ongoing efforts in his lab to model these phenomena.
In order to estimate the number of coffees and snacks to be ordered, please register using the
Previous lectures in the seminar series are available on the Moodle page (enrolment key: "bigquestions")
Credits: NEUBM-601 (1-2 cr)
Students will receive credits if they write a 1-2 page essay based on each lecture (5 essays = 1 cr, 10 essays = 2 cr, if accepted)
Next seminars in spring 2024:
24.4.2024: Annette Horstmann
22.5.2024 Timo Myöhänen
Aloitusaika: 06.03.2024 15:15
Lopetusaika: 06.03.2024 16:15
Kesto: 1 hour
Dissertation: Minna Rantapää
Minna Rantapää,
University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Programme in Cognition, Learning, Instruction and CommunicationSupportive strategies used by family members and formal caregivers in social interaction with deaf people with dementia
Opponent: docent Laura Kanto, University of Jyväskylä
Aloitusaika: 08.03.2024 13:00
Lopetusaika: 08.03.2024 15:00
Kesto: 2 hours