Etusivu » Tapahtumakalenteri (vanha)
Tapahtumakalenteri (vanha)
Biostatistics drop-in workshop
Are you a researcher needing support with any
statistical aspect of your work? The Biostatistics Consulting Service here at
Meilahti Campus holds drop-in workshop sessions every other week to answer
smaller questions about your analysis - solving a particular problem, how
to get started, etc. We provide service in Finnish, English and Swedish.
The next
workshop is on Wednesday 17th January, at 13:00-15:00 in Biomedicum
2B, in the Olohuone on floor 6. Come whenever you can. Note that you may end up
waiting a while for your turn, especially early on in the session. We aim to
spend no more than 15 minutes with each customer.
your computer
your data
your questions
and we biostatisticians will be on hand to help
and guide.
Registration is not required, but you can help us prepare for your
questions by filling in this form.
The workshops are open to any researcher at the university's Medical Faculty,
Sessions are
planned to continue roughly every other week throughout the spring: 31.1, 14.2,
28.2, 20.3 (note 3-week interval), 3.4, etc.
For more in-depth questions, please book a
consultation session using this e-form where we will have time to go
into more detail.
From the
Biostatistics Team
Aloitusaika: 17.01.2024 13:00
Lopetusaika: 17.01.2024 15:00
Kesto: 2 hours
Studia Medicina
Eturauhassyöpä tänään – diagnostiikasta hoitoihin
professori, osastonylilääkäri, HY, HUS Antti Rannikko: Eturauhassyövän geneettiset ja muut riskitekijät
erikoislääkäri, dosentti, HUS, HY Tuomas Kilpeläinen: Eturauhassyövän diagnostiikka
toimialajohtaja, dosentti, HUS, HY Mika Matikainen: Eturauhassyövän hoito
Puheenjohtajana toimii professori Tuomas Mirtti
Aloitusaika: 17.01.2024 17:00
Lopetusaika: 17.01.2024 19:00
Kesto: 1 hour
Dissertation: Anni Sjöblom
Anni Sjöblom,
University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine ,Doctoral Programme in Oral SciencesBiomarkers in HPV-related and HPV-unrelated Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma : Novel Tools to Enhance Survival Assessment and Treatment Solutions
Opponent: docent Jutta Huvila, Univeristy of Turku
Aloitusaika: 19.01.2024 12:00
Lopetusaika: 19.01.2024 14:00
Kesto: 2 hours
Dissertation: Tuomas Lähdeoja
Tuomas Lähdeoja,
University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Program in Clinical Research
Evidence synthesis in orthopaedics - Guiding clinical practice in shoulder surgery
Opponent: Andrew Carr, Oxford University, Botnar Research Institute
Aloitusaika: 19.01.2024 12:00
Lopetusaika: 19.01.2024 14:00
Kesto: 2 hours
Dissertation: Essi Karikoski
Essi Karikoski,
University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Programme in Oral Sciences, Children's Hospital, Department of Children and Adolescents, Helsinki University and Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, FinlandCounselling to improve oral health behavior in young children with major congenital heart defects
Opponent: professori Janna Waltimo-Sirén, University of Turku
Aloitusaika: 19.01.2024 12:00
Lopetusaika: 19.01.2024 14:00
Kesto: 2 hours