Tapahtumakalenteri (vanha)
HiLIFE webinar / Viikki Monday Seminar: Anjali Kusumbe
Vascular regulation of tissue regeneration and aging
Anjali Kusumbe is the head of the Tissue and Tumour Microenvironments Group at the MRC Human Immunology Unit and MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine. She received an MRC Career Development Award in 2017 and ERC, Starting Grant, in 2019 to lead her independent research programme. She completed her postdoctoral research at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine, Germany, in 2016. She pursued her doctoral studies with a fellowship from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India and was awarded a PhD in 2012. Anjali was awarded the Life Sciences Medal (Royal Microscopical Society), Werner-Risau Memorial Award (German Society for Cell Biology), Iain T Boyle Memorial Award (European Calcified Tissue Society), Women In Cell Biology Early Career Medal (British Society for Cell Biology), Alice L. Jee Award (Orthopaedic Research Society), John Goldman Fellowship (Leukaemia UK), and Kennedy Trust for Rheumatology Research (KTRR) Senior Fellowship for her work. She is a member of the Royal Microscopical Society Life Sciences Section Committee. She was an elected member of the European Calcified Tissue Society Academy & served as the task force leader of the mentoring committee for students and postdocs.Kusumbe research group, Twitter: @KusumbeLab
Welcome to this exciting seminar!
Selected publications:
Lymphatic vessels in bone support regeneration after injury
Biswas L, Chen J, De Angelis J, Singh A, Owen-Woods C, Ding Z, Pujol JM, Kumar N, Zeng F, Ramasamy SK, Kusumbe AP , Cell, 2023 Volume 186 :2, 382-397.
Coupling of angiogenesis and osteogenesis by a specific vessel subtype in bone.
Kusumbe AP, Ramasamy SK, Adams RH. Nature. 2014 Mar 20;507(7492):323-328.
Regulation of Hematopoiesis and Osteogenesis by Blood Vessel-Derived
Ramasamy SK, Kusumbe AP, Itkin T, Gur-Cohen S, Lapidot T, Adams RH. Annu Rev
Cell Dev Biol. 2016 Oct 6;32:649-675.
Age-dependent modulation of vascular niches for haematopoietic stem
Kusumbe AP,
Ramasamy SK, Itkin T, Mäe MA, Langen UH, Betsholtz C, Lapidot T, Adams RH.
Nature. 2016 Apr 21;532(7599):380-4.
Endothelial Notch activity promotes angiogenesis and osteogenesis in bone.
Ramasamy SK, Kusumbe AP, Wang L, Adams RH. Nature. 2014 Mar 20;507(7492):376-380.
ONCOSYS Special seminar: Lecture by Prof. Douglas A. Lauffenburger (MIT)
Dosentin arvon hakijoiden opetusnäytteet
12:00-12:30 Lääketieteen tohtori Petri Arvilommi (psykiatria) aihe: Kaksisuuntainen mielialahäiriö ja työkyky; kohderyhmänä: Psykiatriaan erikoistuvat lääkärit.
12:30-12:40 Tauko
12:40-13:10 Lääketieteen tohtori Pirkka Pekkarinen (anestesiologia ja tehohoito) aihe: Tulehdusreaktio sydänpysähdyksen jälkeen teho-osastolla; kohderyhmänä: Anestesiologian ja tehohoidon erikoistuvat lääkärit.
13:10-13:20 Tauko
13:20-13:50 Filosofian tohtori Maija Miettinen (kansanterveystiede) aihe: Tutkijan vastuu epidemiologisten tulosten esittämisestä; kohderyhmänä: Kansanterveystieteen tohtoriopiskelijat.
13:50-14:00 Tauko
14:00-14:30 Hammaslääketieteen tohtori Kaija Hiltunen (hammaslääketieteellisen protetiikka ja gerodontologia) aihe: Mitä ikääntyvän suun terveydelle kuuluu?; kohderyhmänä: Lääkäri ja hammaslääkäri opiskelijat.
14:30-14:40 Tauko
14:40-15:10 Filosofian tohtori Netta Mäkinen (molekyyligenetiikka) aihe: High-throughput DNA sequencing in cancer research; kohderyhmänä: Master's and graduate students who have already previous knowledge of genetics.
15:10-15:20 Tauko
15:20-15:50 Lääketieteen tohtori Kirsi Skogberg (infektiotautioppi) aihe: Mikrobilääkkeen valinnan periaatteet sairaalassa; kohderyhmänä: Loppuvaiheen lääketieteen opiskelijat.
Dissertation: Riitta Tuompo
Dissertation: Niina Sahrakorpi
Opponent: docent Riitta Luoto, University of Tampere