Tapahtumakalenteri (vanha)
Dissertation Marika Savolainen
Dissertation: Kati Mäkelä
Opponent: professor Veli-Matti Kosma, University of Eastern Finland
Webinar: Clinical Importance of Drug Resistance Mechanisms in Ovarian Cancer
Cancer IO Sebinar Series Session II: 'Next-gen immunotherapies: Innate Immunity'
This interactive bi-monthly sebinar series aims to bring you the newest developments in the field of immuno-oncology presented by leading scientists. Every sebinar will have an important interactive element in the form of a panel discussion, where the invited speaker discusses a timely topic with local scientists and clinicians. Sebinar attendants are welcomed to participate in the discussion using the Q&A feature.
This time we will hear about the latest developments in next-generation immunotherapies targeting the innate immune system. In the panel discussion we address how new immunotherapies can be taken from preclinical findings towards clinical translation and commercialization. Our invited speaker Eric Vivier is professor in Aix-Marseille University and at the Public Hospital of Marseille & scientific director in Innate Pharma (Biography below).
10:00 - 10:10 Introduction: Why are innate immune cells important for anti-tumor responses?
Maija Hollmén (University of Turku & Cancer IO)
10:10 - 10:20 A novel anti-CLEVER-1 mAb targeting immunosuppressive macrophages
Juho Jalkanen (Faron Pharmaceuticals)
10:20 - 11:10 Harnessing innate immunity in cancer therapy and beyond
Dr. Eric Vivier (Aix-Marseille University / Public Hospital of Marseille / Innate Pharma)
11:10- 11:20 Q&A
11:20 – 11:45 Panel Discussion: From basic discovery to a novel immunotherapy drug
Panelists: Eric Vivier, Maija Hollmen, Juho Jalkanen, 4th panelist to be confirmed.
Session Chair: Jeroen Pouwels, Cancer IO
Biography for Dr. Eric Vivier:
Éric Vivier, DVM, PhD, is Professor of Immunology at Aix-Marseille University and at the Public Hospital of Marseille (AP-HM). In addition, he was appointed in 2018, Scientific Director of Innate Pharma, a biotechnology company dedicated to improving cancer treatment with innovative therapeutic antibodies that exploit the immune system.
He completed his post-doctoral training at Harvard Medical School, then joined Aix-Marseille University as professor at the Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille-Luminy (CIML) in 1993 before becoming its director from 2008 to 2017. He is also one of the founders of Marseille-Immunopôle, an immunology cluster created in 2014 linking fundamental and therapeutic research, innovation and industrial development on the Aix-Marseille metropole.
Eric Vivier's work focuses on innate immunity and in particular Natural killer and other innate lymphoid cells, at Ciml, at AP-HM and at Innate-Pharma. Professor Vivier has published over 380 scientific articles and is on the list of the most cited researchers: (https://publons.com/researcher/2825347/eric-vivier/ & Google Scholar)
A laureate of the European Research Council (ERC advanced grants), a member of the EMBO, the Académie Nationale de Médecine and the Institut Universitaire de France, Prof. Vivier has received several awards including those from the Ligue Nationale contre le Cancer (1996, 2004 and 2013) and the European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS, 2004).
Five of the main areas of contribution of the laboratory are listed below and illustrated by key original publications or reviews:
(1) Characterization of the family of
ITIM-bearing receptors; mode of action of activating and inhibitory receptors
expressed on NK cells
Vivier et al., Science 2004
(2) Analysis of NK cell development and
function. Anfossi
et al., Immunity 2006
Vivier et al., Nature Immunology 2008 Vivier et al., Science 2011
(3) Discovery and function of Innate Lymphoid Cells . Luci et al., Nature Immunology 2009 Vély et al., Nature Immunology 2016 Vivier et al., Cell 2018
(4) The Discontinuity Theory of Immunity. Pradeu & Vivier, Science Immunology 2017
(5) Development of therapeutic antibodies with Innate-Pharma, presently in trials in various cancers. André et al. Cell 2018 Gauthier et al. Cell 2019 Demaria et al., Nature 2019
Students can receive credits for this seminar, where 1 ETSF is given to students who attend 5 sebinars and hand in a ½ page layman’s abstracts for each of these. Instructions will be provided at the start of each sebinar. Registration is open on WebOodi: https://weboodi.helsinki.fi/hy/opintjakstied.jsp?OpinKohd=132787442&haettuOpas=-1&Kieli=6.
EU4HEALTH JA DIGITAALINEN EUROOPPA: Webinaari uusista merkittävistä EU –rahoitusohjelmista
Ilmoittautuminen: pe 11.6. mennessä https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/FB7E2EE233FEE925
Alustava ohjelma (täsmentyy kesäkuussa):
14h00-14h10: Alkusanat. Tutkimusohjelmajohtaja Tuukka Tammi /THL
14h10-14h45: EU4Health -ohjelma 2021 – 2027. Johtaja Taru Koivisto
Uusi terveysohjelma EU4Health on EU:n vastaus covid-19:ään, jolla on ollut
suuri vaikutus lääkintä- ja terveydenhuoltohenkilöstöön, potilaisiin ja
terveydenhuoltojärjestelmiin Euroopassa. EU4Health-ohjelman budjetti on
5,1 miljardia euroa, joten se on rahassa mitattuna kaikkien aikojen suurin
14h45-15h00: Koordinaattorin kokemuksia EU -terveysohjelman
Kehittämispäällikkö Outi Karvonen/THL
15h00 -15h35: Terveysalan rahoitus uudessa EU:n Digitaalinen Eurooppa
Erityisasiantuntija Iiro Kangas Helsinki EU Office
15h35-15h45: Kommenttipuheenvuoro Digitaalinen Eurooppa - ohjelmaan
15h45-16h00: Keskustelua ja tilaisuuden päättäminen