
June 05

HiLIFE webinar / Viikki Monday Seminar: Anjali Kusumbe

Vascular regulation of tissue regeneration and aging 

Anjali Kusumbe is the head of the Tissue and Tumour Microenvironments Group at the MRC Human Immunology Unit and MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine. She received an MRC Career Development Award in 2017 and ERC, Starting Grant, in 2019 to lead her independent research programme. She completed her postdoctoral research at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine, Germany, in 2016. She pursued her doctoral studies with a fellowship from the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India and was awarded a PhD in 2012. Anjali was awarded the Life Sciences Medal (Royal Microscopical Society), Werner-Risau Memorial Award (German Society for Cell Biology), Iain T Boyle Memorial Award (European Calcified Tissue Society), Women In Cell Biology Early Career Medal (British Society for Cell Biology), Alice L. Jee Award (Orthopaedic Research Society), John Goldman Fellowship (Leukaemia UK), and Kennedy Trust for Rheumatology Research (KTRR) Senior Fellowship for her work. She is a member of the Royal Microscopical Society Life Sciences Section Committee. She was an elected member of the European Calcified Tissue Society Academy & served as the task force leader of the mentoring committee for students and postdocs.  

Kusumbe research group, Twitter: @KusumbeLab 


Welcome to this exciting seminar!  

Swetha Gopalakrishnan 


Selected publications: 

Lymphatic vessels in bone support regeneration after injury  

Biswas L, Chen J, De Angelis J, Singh A, Owen-Woods C, Ding Z, Pujol JM, Kumar N, Zeng F, Ramasamy SK, Kusumbe AP , Cell, 2023 Volume 186 :2, 382-397.


Coupling of angiogenesis and osteogenesis by a specific vessel subtype in bone.  

Kusumbe AP, Ramasamy SK, Adams RH. Nature. 2014 Mar 20;507(7492):323-328.  


Regulation of Hematopoiesis and Osteogenesis by Blood Vessel-Derived Signals. 
Ramasamy SK, Kusumbe AP, Itkin T, Gur-Cohen S, Lapidot T, Adams RH. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 2016 Oct 6;32:649-675.  


Age-dependent modulation of vascular niches for haematopoietic stem cells. 
Kusumbe AP, Ramasamy SK, Itkin T, Mäe MA, Langen UH, Betsholtz C, Lapidot T, Adams RH. Nature. 2016 Apr 21;532(7599):380-4.  


Endothelial Notch activity promotes angiogenesis and osteogenesis in bone.  

Ramasamy SK, Kusumbe AP, Wang L, Adams RH. Nature. 2014 Mar 20;507(7492):376-380.  

Start time: 05/06/2023 13:00
End time: 05/06/2023 14:00
Duration: 1 hour
Location: Biocenter 2, Lecture Hall 1041, Viikinkaari 5
Type: Seminar
Organization: Helsinki Institute of Life Science HiLIFE
Contact person:
June 07

ONCOSYS Special seminar: Lecture by Prof. Douglas A. Lauffenburger (MIT)

A New Approach to Genome-Scale Modeling of Intracellular Signaling: Neural Networks Constrained by Prior Knowledge Interactomes

ABSTRACT: Mammalian cells adapt their phenotypic state in response to ligand stimuli binding cell surface receptors, inducing modulation of a complex network of intracellular molecular interactions that govern cell regulatory and functional processes. Computational modeling of the information flow through this network could help predict cell behaviors in health and disease. However, obtaining sufficient experimental data to construct reliable models comprising adequate parameterization continues to be a severe problem. To address this challenge, we have recently developed a new approach: integrating a neural network machine learning framework constrained by prior knowledge of the intracellular protein-protein interactome. This approach can generate an operational model based on ligand inputs and corresponding transcriptional profile outputs. We demonstrate utility in immune cell signaling applications, including macrophages and CAR T-cells, and describe potential wider use such as for tumor cells.

Biography (from the National Academy of Engineering)
Douglas A. Lauffenburger is the Ford Professor of Bioengineering in the Departments of Biological Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Biology at MIT. He was the founding head of the Department of Biological Engineering and served in that capacity from 1998 until 2019. He also holds affiliations with the Center for Biomedical Engineering, Center for Gynepathology Research, and Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MIT, as well as the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT, and Harvard. Before joining MIT in 1995, he was a member of the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania (1979–90) and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1991–94).

A central focus of the Lauffenburger research program is systems biology approaches to cell-cell communication and cell signaling important in pathophysiology, with emphasis on translational application to therapeutics discovery and development in cancer, pathogen infection, and inflammatory disease.

Dr. Lauffenburger coauthored the monograph Receptors: Models for Binding, Trafficking, and Signaling (Oxford Press, 1993) and coedited the book Systems Biomedicine: Concepts and Perspectives (Elsevier Press, 2010). More than 130 doctoral students and postdoctoral associates have undertaken research education under his supervision.

He has served as president of the Biomedical Engineering Society, chair of the College of Fellows of American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, a member of the advisory council for the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, and a coauthor of the 2009 National Research Council report A New Biology for the 21st Century. He has also been a scientific advisor to numerous biotech/pharma companies and biomedical science foundations.

Along with many honors and awards from professional societies, Professor Lauffenburger is a member of the NAE and American Academy of Arts & Sciences, and a fellow of the American Association for Advancement of Science and the American Scientific Affiliation.

Professor Lauffenburger’s BS and PhD degrees are in chemical engineering, from the University of Illinois (1975) and the University of Minnesota (1979) respectively.
Start time: 07/06/2023 16:15
End time: 07/06/2023 17:00
Duration: 45 minutes
Location: Biomedicum1, lecture hall 3, Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki
Type: Seminar
Organization: Research Program Systems Oncology (ONCOSYS)
Contact person:
June 08

Dosentin arvon hakijoiden opetusnäytteet



12:00-12:30 Lääketieteen tohtori Petri Arvilommi (psykiatria) aihe: Kaksisuuntainen mielialahäiriö ja työkyky; kohderyhmänä: Psykiatriaan erikoistuvat lääkärit.


12:30-12:40 Tauko


12:40-13:10 Lääketieteen tohtori Pirkka Pekkarinen (anestesiologia ja tehohoito) aihe: Tulehdusreaktio sydänpysähdyksen jälkeen teho-osastolla; kohderyhmänä: Anestesiologian ja tehohoidon erikoistuvat lääkärit.


13:10-13:20 Tauko


13:20-13:50 Filosofian tohtori Maija Miettinen (kansanterveystiede) aihe: Tutkijan vastuu epidemiologisten tulosten esittämisestä; kohderyhmänä: Kansanterveystieteen tohtoriopiskelijat.


13:50-14:00 Tauko


14:00-14:30 Hammaslääketieteen tohtori Kaija Hiltunen (hammaslääketieteellisen protetiikka ja gerodontologia) aihe: Mitä ikääntyvän suun terveydelle kuuluu?; kohderyhmänä: Lääkäri ja hammaslääkäri opiskelijat.


14:30-14:40 Tauko


14:40-15:10 Filosofian tohtori Netta Mäkinen (molekyyligenetiikka) aihe: High-throughput DNA sequencing in cancer research; kohderyhmänä: Master's and graduate students who have already previous knowledge of genetics.


15:10-15:20 Tauko


15:20-15:50 Lääketieteen tohtori Kirsi Skogberg (infektiotautioppi) aihe: Mikrobilääkkeen valinnan periaatteet sairaalassa; kohderyhmänä: Loppuvaiheen lääketieteen opiskelijat.

Start time: 08/06/2023 12:00
End time: 08/06/2023 16:00
Duration: 3 hours
Location: remotely
Type: Docententship lecture
Organization: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Contact person:
June 09

Dissertation: Riitta Tuompo

Riitta Tuompo, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Program in Clinical Research
Infection and Early Arthritis – New Aetiological Agents with Respect to Reactive Arthritis
Opponent: docent Johanna Huhtakangas, University of Eastern Finland

Start time: 09/06/2023 12:00
End time: 09/06/2023 14:00
Duration: 2 hours
Location: Biomedicum1, lecture hall 1, Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki
Type: Dissertation
Organization: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Contact person:
June 09

Dissertation: Niina Sahrakorpi

​Niina Sahrakorpi, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Program in Clinical Research
Determinants of Health-Related Quality of Life from Pregnancy to Early Years of Motherhood - Focus on Obesity and Gestational Diabetes

Opponent: docent Riitta Luoto, University of Tampere

Start time: 09/06/2023 12:00
End time: 09/06/2023 14:00
Duration: 2 hours
Location: Naistenklinikka, Seth Wichmann -sali, Haartmaninkatu 2
Type: Dissertation
Organization: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Contact person: