
December 10

Dissertation: Anna Nurmi

​Anna Nurmi, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research
Neoadjuvant therapy and prognostic factors in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

Opponent: Professor (Surgery) Roland Andersson, Lund University

Start time: 10/12/2021 13:00
End time: 10/12/2021 15:00
Duration: 2 hours
Location: Haartman Institute, lecture hall 1, Haartmaninkatu 3, 00290 Helsinki
Type: Dissertation
Organization: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Contact person:
December 10

Dissertation: Hanna Huhdanpää

​Hanna Huhdanpää, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Programme in Clinical Research
Psychiatric symptoms related to sleep and executive functions among preschool children

Opponent: professor Kaija Puura, University of Tampere

Start time: 10/12/2021 13:00
End time: 10/12/2021 15:00
Duration: 2 hours
Location: Biomedicum1, lecture hall 2, Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki
Type: Dissertation
Organization: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Contact person:
December 13

HiLIFE Webinar: Arjen Jacobi

​Nanoscale tools for cryo-EM imaging of the cellular machinery: new strategies for old problems

Arjen Jakobi is a group leader at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, and an associate professor at the Department of Bionanoscience at Delft University of Technology (Netherlands). His group develops and applies molecular imaging techniques, centered on cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM), to dissect molecular mechanisms of cell-intrinsic immunity involved in elimination of intracellular pathogens 

Selected publications 

Twitter account 

Welcome to this exciting seminar/webinar!  

Please note that there are restricted number of seats to maintain a sufficient safety distance and that you need to wear a protective face mask in the lecture hall.
Start time: 13/12/2021 12:00
End time: 13/12/2021 13:00
Location: Viikki Campus: Biocenter 2, lecture hall 1041
Type: Webinar
Organization: Helsinki Institute of Life Science HiLIFE
Contact person:
December 13

DIssertation: Pauliina Filppu

Pauliina Filppu, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine
Exploring Vulnerabilities in Malignant Glioblastoma
Opponent: PhD, Group Leader Anna Golebiewska, Luxembourg Institute of Health

Start time: 13/12/2021 13:00
End time: 13/12/2021 15:00
Duration: 2 hours
Location: Biomedicum1, lecture hall 3, Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki
Type: Dissertation
Organization: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Contact person:
December 14

Kliinisen kemian seminaarit: Titta Salopuro

​​​Immunoanalytiikka automaatiolaboratoriossa
Start time: 14/12/2021 14:15
End time: 14/12/2021 15:00
Duration: 45 minutes
Location: Haartman Institute, lecture hall 2, Haartmaninkatu 3, 00290 Helsinki
Type: Seminar
Organization: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Contact person: