
February 20

Minisymposium: ER Stress and Cellular Health: From Molecular Mechanisms to Therapeutic Advances

You are warmly welcome to a minisymposium focusing on ER stress on February 20th at 14-16 in Biomedicum, lecture hall 1. Coffee and “pulla”  will be served at 13.30, so please register through this simple form:

The symposium should be of great interest to anyone interested in neurodegenerative diseases or diabetes.  The main speaker, Prof. Carmella Evans-Molina will act as the opponent in the PhD thesis defense of Hossam Montaser the following day, Feb 21st at 12 in Haartman Institute, lecture hall 1
Start time: 20/02/2025 14:00
End time: 20/02/2025 16:00
Duration: 1 hour
Location: Biomedicum1, lecture hall 1, Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki
Type: Symposium
Organization: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Contact person:
February 21

Dissertation: Hossam Montaser

Hossam Montaser, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine
Modelling Endoplasmic Reticulum stress-induced Diabetes Using stem cell-derived islets

Opponent: Professor Carmella Evans-Molina, Indiana University

Start time: 21/02/2025 12:00
End time: 21/02/2025 14:00
Duration: 1 hour
Location: Haartman Institute, lecture hall 1, Haartmaninkatu 3, 00290 Helsinki
Type: Dissertation
Organization: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Contact person: