
April 14

Dissertation: Anna-Maija Puolanne

Anna-Maija Puolanne, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Program in Clinical Research
Faecal calprotectin in monitoring disease activity and risk of neoplasia in inflammatory bowel disease

Opponent: professor Katri Kaukinen, University of Tampere

Start time: 14/04/2023 12:00
End time: 14/04/2023 14:00
Duration: 2 hours
Location: HUS Puistosairaala, Niilo Hallman sali, Stenbäckinkatu 11
Type: Dissertation
Organization: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Contact person:
April 14

Dissertation: Sonja Lindfors

​Sonja Lindfors, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine
Molecular mechanisms of podocyte injury : focus on adiponectin signalling in obesity and type 2 diabetes
Opponent: Professor Anne-Emilie Declèves, University of Mons
Start time: 14/04/2023 13:00
End time: 14/04/2023 15:00
Duration: 2 hours
Location: Haartman Institute, lecture hall 2, Haartmaninkatu 3, 00290 Helsinki
Type: Dissertation
Organization: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Contact person:
April 14

Dissertation: Olli Mattila

Olli Mattila, ​University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine, Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine
Acute Stroke Care: Strategies For Improving Diagnostics

Opponent: professori Heinrich Audebert, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Start time: 14/04/2023 13:00
End time: 14/04/2023 15:00
Duration: 2 hours
Location: Biomedicum1, lecture hall 2, Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki
Type: Dissertation
Organization: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Contact person:
April 17

HiLIFE webinar / Viikki Monday Seminar: Jarno Mäkelä

​Exponential growth on the cusp of DNA limitation in bacteria
Group Leader Jarno Mäkelä from the University of Helsinki will give a talk in HiLIFE seminar series on April 17th at 13.00-14.00.  
Jarno joined the Institute of Biotechnology in 2022 as an Academy Fellow and was recently awarded the prestigious ERC starting grant.

Jarno Mäkelä is a group leader at the Institute of Biotechnology at University of Helsinki. His research group aims to understand how bacteria can grow across a large temperature range, up to 40°C. The main focus is how temperature affects the cytoplasmic state and what the consequences to cellular processes are using super-resolution microscopy and single molecule tracking. His past work has contributed to the mechanistic understanding how bacterial chromosomes are organized and how ploidy affects growth dynamics in different bacteria. 


Mäkelä Research Group
, Twitter: @MakelaJarno 



Welcome to this exciting seminar!  

Leonardo Almeida Souza


Selected publications: 

J. Mäkelä*, S. Uphoff, D.J. Sherratt* (2021) Non-random segregation of sister chromosomes by Escherichia coli MukBEF. PNAS, 118(33): e2022078118 

J. Mäkelä and D.J. Sherratt (2020) Organization of the Escherichia coli chromosome by a MukBEF axial core. Molecular Cell, 78(2):250-260 

N. Banaz*, J. Mäkelä*, S. Uphoff (2019) Choosing the right label for single-molecule tracking in live bacteria: Side-by-side comparison of photoactivatable fluorescent protein and Halo tag dyes. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 52:064002             

Start time: 17/04/2023 13:00
End time: 17/04/2023 14:00
Duration: 1 hour
Location: Biocenter 2, Lecture Hall 1041, Viikinkaari 5
Type: Seminar
Organization: Helsinki Institute of Life Science HiLIFE
Contact person:
April 19

SAGA OF THE GUT - Professori Riitta Korpelan juhlaseminaari

 Lääketieteellisen tiedekunnan dekaani Anne Remes
 Medicumin johtaja Eero Mervaala

 Saga of the Gut, Professor Karl-Heinz Herzig, University of Oulu
 Living with Biotics, Professor Seppo Salminen, University of Turku

TAUKO 14.30-14.45

 Mitä väitöskirjan jälkeen?
 Riikka Nevala, Dosentti, osastonylilääkäri, Syöpäkeskus HUS

 Tiedolla ja tunteella
 Laura Piirainen, Hallinnollinen apulaisylilääkäri, Länsi-Uudenmaan hyvinvointialue

 Kannustuksen merkitys
 Katja Hatakka, Kehityspäällikkö, Kaupunginkanslia, Helsingin kaupunki

 Mutkan kautta takaisin yliopistoon
 Kajsa Kajander, Interim CEO, Helsingin Innovaatiopalvelut Oy, Helsingin yliopisto

 Sipulinkuorijasta suklaatehtailijaksi
 Taru Pilvi, Luova johtaja, Goodio Oy

 Ussing-tutkimuksesta lääketeollisuuteen
 Lotta Stenman, Health Care Affairs Manager, Boehringer Ingelheim

 Onko oma maa mansikka ja muu maa mustikka?
 Richard Forsgård, Post Doc tutkija, Örebro Universitet

 Riitta Korpela

KAHVITARJOILU noin klo 16.15
        Ilmoittautumiset 11.4. mennessä ja mahdolliset kysymykset:

Start time: 19/04/2023 13:00
End time: 19/04/2023 17:00
Duration: 4 hours
Location: Biomedicum1, lecture hall 2, Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki
Type: Seminar
Organization: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Contact person: