
August 19

HiLIFE / Biomedicum Helsinki seminar: Bertrand Thirion

Technical challenges and promises of large-scale brain activity decoding

Bertrand Thirion is researcher in the Mind team, part of Inria research institute, Saclay, France, that develops statistics and machine learning techniques for brain imaging. He contributes both algorithms and software, with a special focus on functional neuroimaging applications. He is involved in the Neurospin, CEA neuroimaging center, one of the leading high-field MRI for brain imaging places. From 2018 to 2021, Bertrand Thirion has been the head of the DATAIA Institute that federates research on AI, data science and their societal impact in Paris-Saclay University. In 2020, he has recently been appointed as member of the expert committee in charge of advising the government during the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2021, he has become the Head of science (délégué scientifique) of the Inria Saclay-Île-de-France research center. Bertrand Thirion is PI of the Karaib AI Chair of the Individual Brain CHarting project.


Welcome to this exciting seminar! 

Sheng H Wang


Selected publications

[1] Alexandre Abraham, Fabian Pedregosa, Michael Eickenberg, Philippe Gervais, Andreas Mueller, Jean Kossaifi, Alexandre Gramfort, Bertrand Thirion, and Gaël Varoquaux. Machine learning for neuroimaging with scikit-learn. Frontiers in neuroinformatics, 8:14, 2014.

[2] Joseph Benzakoun, Marc-Antoine Deslys, Laurence Legrand, Ghazi Hmeydia, Guillaume Turc, Wagih Ben Hassen, Sylvain Charron, Clément Debacker, Olivier Naggara, Jean-Claude Baron, et al. Synthetic flair as a substitute for flair sequence in acute ischemic stroke. Radiology, 303(1):153–159, 2022.

[3] Alexandre Blain, Bertrand Thirion, and Pierre Neuvial. Notip: Non-parametric true discovery proportion control for brain imaging. NeuroImage, 260:119492, 2022.

[4] Ahmad Chamma, Denis A Engemann, and Bertrand Thirion. Statistically valid variable importance assessment through conditional permutations. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 36, 2024.

[5] Jérôme-Alexis Chevalier, Tuan-Binh Nguyen, Joseph Salmon, Gaël Varoquaux, and Bertrand Thirion. Decoding with confidence: Statistical control on decoder maps. NeuroImage, 234:117921, 2021.

Start time: 19/08/2024 13:00
End time: 19/08/2024 14:00
Duration: 1 hour
Location: Biomedicum1, lecture hall 1, Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki
Type: Seminar
Organization: Helsinki Institute of Life Science HiLIFE
Contact person:
August 21

iCAN science seminar by Dr. Marieke Kuijjer

Unlocking Cellular Complexity: Multiomics Integration for Personalized Regulatory Networks

Mini-bio: Marieke Kuijjer is Group Leader of the Computational Biology and Systems Medicine group at the Center for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM), Nordic EMBL Partnership, University of Oslo, Norway, where she started in 2018. She received her PhD from Leiden University Medical Center (2013) and postdoctoral training at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Chan School of Public Health. Marieke’s research interests include development of network-based methods to integrate and analyze cancer data.


Dr. Kuijjer will take up the position of the Cancer Data Science Associate Professor at iCAN – Digital Precision Cancer Medicine, University of Helsinki.


For more information on the speaker, please see her cv.


Come early for a cup of coffee!

Start time: 21/08/2024 13:15
End time: 21/08/2024 14:15
Location: HUS Siltasairaala Seminar room 1 STB3.068, 3rd floor
Type: Seminar
Organization: iCAN Flagship Team
Contact person:
August 22

Dissertation: Johanna Suur-Uski

Johanna Suur-Uski, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Medicine
The development of working hours and sickness absence in midlife and later careers : an occupational cohort study

Opponent: professor Päivi Korhonen, University of Turku

Start time: 22/08/2024 12:00
End time: 22/08/2024 14:00
Duration: 2 hours
Location: Biomedicum1, lecture hall 1, Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki
Type: Dissertation
Organization: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Contact person:
August 22

iCAN science seminar: Siddhartha Jaiswal

Clonal hematopoiesis in human aging and disease
Dr. Jaiswal is an investigator at Stanford University in the Department of Pathology, where his lab focuses on understanding the biology of the aging hematopoietic system.
As a post-doctoral fellow, he identified a common, pre-malignant state for blood cancers by reanalysis of large sequencing datasets. This condition, termed “clonal hematopoiesis”, is characterized by the presence of stem cell clones harboring certain somatic mutations, primarily in genes involved in epigenetic regulation of hematopoiesis. Clonal hematopoiesis is prevalent in the aging population and increases the risk of not only blood cancer, but also cardiovascular disease and overall mortality.
Recent work from the lab has identified that the reason for selection of many mutant clones is due to aberrant expression of the gene TCL1A, suggesting that key downstream growth/survival pathways dysregulated in mutant HSCs are dependent on this gene. Other work has identified that clonal hematopoiesis is surprisingly associated with protection from Alzheimer’s disease, which may be due to infiltration of mutant cells into the brain. Dr. Jaiswal’s longstanding goal is to identify clinical interventions to reduce the risk of adverse consequences in those with pre-malignant states like clonal hematopoiesis.

Find more information about the speaker and his publications in his cv.

Welcome! Come early for a cup of coffee.
Host: Prof. Satu Mustjoki

If you wish to meet Dr. Jaiswall during his visit, please contact Prof. Mustjoki at or Project Coordinator Francesca De Lorenzo, Ph.D. at

Start time: 22/08/2024 13:30
End time: 22/08/2024 14:30
Location: Biomedicum1, lecture hall 2, Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki
Type: Seminar
Organization: Individualized Drug Therapy (INDIVIDRUG)
Contact person:
August 22

Minerva Seminar by Veijo Salo

Exploring organelle biogenesis with correlative in situ cryo-electron tomography
Postdoctoral fellow
EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany

Start time: 22/08/2024 14:00
End time: 22/08/2024 16:00
Duration: 1 hour
Location: Biomeiducm 1, meeting room 7
Type: Seminar
Organization: Minerva Research Center
Contact person: