
February 12

ReproducibiliTea: DON’T DRAW YOUR DATA: Sleuth’s stories in uncovering suspicious data in preclinical Alzheimer’s research papers.

Speaker: DR. MU YANG Columbia University MedicalCenter, New York, USA
In this webinar, I will go over how I started sleuthing, and the most intriguing cases that I reported. I will discuss suspicious water maze data from several renowned researchers in the AD
field. Given the importance of the work of Eliezer Masliah, I will present representative examples of image manipulation in his papers. In the end, I will discuss how to report to journals (tips
strategies, dos and don’ts) and how to flag papers on PubPeer to foster integrity and open dialogues.
About the speaker
Mu Yang is the director of the Mouse Neurobehavior Core at Columbia University, and an accidental sleuth. After discovering fraudulent Morris water maze data in multiple papers on mouse models of Alzheimer’s, and working with Dr. Richard Morris (known for inventing a water navigation task for rodents) to report the fraud, she started to realize how rampant research
misconduct is. The frustration led her to become a sleuth. She was the lead sleuth in reporting over 130 papers by Eliezer Masliah, former director of Neuroscience at theNational Institute of Aging (NIA). Her reports have ledto over 140 retractions since 2022.
Start time: 12/02/2025 15:00
End time: 12/02/2025 16:00
Location: remotely
Type: Webinar
Organization: University of Helsinki
Contact person:
February 12

FICAN webinar "Cancer, VUS and molecular modelling in personal medicine

Speaker: Antti Poso, Professor of Drug DesignUniversity of Eastern Finland
Get to know the Speaker:

This time the seminar is organized byFICAN East. The seminar will be held online (Microsoft Teams), find the link below. The event is open to everyone interested in cancer research. Event details and abstract & relevant references attached and also here: FICAN science webinaari ”Cancer, VUS and molecular modelling in personal medicine” 12.2.2025 – FICAN

The range of cancer drugs is extensive, and gene sequencing offers opportunities for personalized treatment selection. Designing personalized treatment requires multidisciplinary collaboration, and often, computer models of drug targets can assist in selecting cancer medications. Sequencing identifies mutations present in cancer, and models can be used to study how these mutations affect the efficacy of cancer drugs. For instance, a mutation may prevent a cancer drug from binding to its target protein, rendering the medication ineffective for the patient. While the use of computer models to aid in cancer drug selection has been employed to some extent globally, it remains rare in Finland. By leveraging information on mutation-induced changes in protein structures, the most effective cancer drug can be chosen. Creating and studying computer models is rapid, providing information on drug suitability in hours or, at most, a few days. Additionally, I will present several case examples from Germany to illustrate this approach in practice.
Relevant references for this talk
Kuittinen, Poso, Bartos: Lääkkeen vaikutuskohteen tietokonemalleista apua yksilöidyn
syöpälääkkeen valintaan. Duodecim, 2024, 140, 1703-1709

S. Spahn, F. Kleinhenz, E. Shevchenko, A. Stahl, Y. Rasen, C. Geisler, et al., Nat. Commun. 2024, 15,


These nationwide webinars aim to 

  • Share information about high-quality cancer research and its results conducted in various regions. 
  • Provide insights into cancer care and diagnostics, with a focus on new approaches and techniques 
  • Foster collaboration and discussion for the benefit of cancer patients throughout Finland 

February 20

Minisymposium: ER Stress and Cellular Health: From Molecular Mechanisms to Therapeutic Advances

You are warmly welcome to a minisymposium focusing on ER stress on February 20th at 14-16 in Biomedicum, lecture hall 1. Coffee and “pulla”  will be served at 13.30, so please register through this simple form:

The symposium should be of great interest to anyone interested in neurodegenerative diseases or diabetes.  The main speaker, Prof. Carmella Evans-Molina will act as the opponent in the PhD thesis defense of Hossam Montaser the following day, Feb 21st at 12 in Haartman Institute, lecture hall 1
Start time: 20/02/2025 14:00
End time: 20/02/2025 16:00
Duration: 1 hour
Location: Biomedicum1, lecture hall 1, Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki
Type: Symposium
Organization: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Contact person:
February 25

Kliinisen kemian seminaarit

Laboratorion kilpirauhastutkimukset
Tuija Männistö
Start time: 25/02/2025 14:15
End time: 25/02/2025 15:00
Duration: 45 minutes
Location: remotely
Type: Seminar
Organization: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Contact person:
March 13

Single Cell Omics symposium

The symposium covers broad areas of single cell omics from spatial interactions to gene regulatory networks, with methodologies ranging from multiomics to RNA velocity and long-read sequencing, applied in a wide range of biological contexts: brain development and aging, skin physiology, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer.


Program, including lunch, and a poster session with sparkling, begins at 9 AM and ends at 5:30 PM on March-13. The symposium is on-site only, free of charge and everybody is warmly welcome to register! 


Speakers: Hagen Tilgner (Weill Cornell Medicine), Maria Kasper (Karolinska Institute), Gioele La Manno (EPFL), Judith Zaugg (EMBL Heidelberg), Elisa Manieri (University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna), will present their work, in addition to national speakers Mariike Kuijjer (University of Helsinki, University of Oslo) and Minna Kaikkonen-Määttä (University of Eastern Finland). 


The symposium is part of the Single Cell Course week 2025 with additional hands-on wet-lab and data-analysis courses for students. The course code for symposium is DPBM-161.

PS. The poster session provides an excellent opportunity to present and discuss your single cell omics related projects or plans, with one extra credit for students. Please be prepared to give a tentative poster title when registering.


Organising team: Anna Vähärautio, Jenni Lahtela, Saara Ollila, Helena Kilpinen, Merja Heinäniemi, Iivari Kleino, Rafa Najumudeen, Laura Elo, Eija Korpelainen.

Start time: 13/03/2025 09:00
End time: 13/03/2025 17:30
Duration: 8 hours 30 minutes
Location: Biomedicum1, lecture hall 1, Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki
Type: Symposium
Organization: Helsinki Institute of Life Science HiLIFE
Contact person: