
January 31

Kliinisen mikrobiologian perjantaisarja

Hinkuyskärokote suomalaisessa väestössä: voiko rokotevasteen ”onnistumista” ennustaa?

Aapo Knuutila, FT, yliopisto-opettaja, Bioteknologian laitos, 
Turun yliopisto

Start time: 31/01/2025 12:00
End time: 31/01/2025 13:00
Location: remotely
Type: Seminar
Organization: HUS
Contact person:
January 31

History of neuroscience seminar by Professor Zoltan Molnar

Neuroscience at Oxford, Four Centuries of Discovery

Professor Zoltan Molnar


It is essential for scientists to appreciate their field's history. Each generation tends to claim some kind of exceptionalism, exaggerating the extant progress and ignoring the fact that numerous foundational concepts, ideas, and approaches were developed by previous generations. As the saying goes, we are all "standing on the shoulders of giants," often without realizing it. Scientific progress is driven by curiosity, uncertainty, and humility – not by hype and by illusions of all-explaining theories. The history of science puts our current knowledge into perspective – perhaps we know nowhere near as much as we pretend to?
In his talk, Professor Zoltán Molnár will outline the initiatives he and his colleagues at the University of Oxford have undertaken to preserve crucial material in the history of neuroscience for future generations and to foster interest in this rich legacy. Safeguarding our scientific and cultural heritage is crucial for advancing teaching and research in the years to come. He will illustrate these points through the life of Thomas Willis (1621-1675) and Charles Sherrington (1857-1952).


De Carlos JA, Molnár Z. (2019) Cajal's Interactions with Sherrington and the Croonian Lecture. Anat Rec (Hoboken). 303(5):1181-1188. 
Lorusso L, Piccolino M, Motta S, Gasparello A, Barbara JG, Bossi-Régnier L, Shepherd GM, Swanson L, Magistretti P, Everitt B, Molnár Z, Brown RE. Neuroscience without borders: Preserving the history of neuroscience. Eur J Neurosci. 2018 Sep;48(5):2099-2109.
Molnár Z (2004) Thomas Willis (1621-1675), the founder of clinical neuroscience. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 5(4):329-35.
Molnár Z and Brown RE (2010) Insights into the life and work of Sir Charles Sherrington. Timeline.  Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 11(6):429-36. Box of Sherrington -
Molnár Z and Brown RE (2010) Insights into the life and work of Sir Charles Sherrington. Timeline.  Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 11(6):429-36.
Molnár Zoltán (2021) On the 400th anniversary of the birth of Thomas Willis. Brain, Volume 144, Issue 4, April 2021, Pages 1033-1037,
Quatercentenary of Thomas Willis’s birth - aPrepared by Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, St John’s College, Oxford Neuroscience, and The Anatomical Society to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the birthday of the greatest neuroanatomist of all time, Thomas Willis, on 27 January 2021.
Richard E Brown, Zoltán Molnár, Ludmila Filaretova, Mikhail Ostrovsky, Marco Piccolino, Lorenzo Lorusso (2017) The 100th Anniversary of the Russian Pavlov Physiological Society. Physiology (Bethesda, Md.) 32:  6.  402-407. 
The circle of Willis Videos from The Royal Sociey's online history of science conference 'Celebrating the quatercentenary of the birth of Thomas Willis' -
Thomas Willis (1621-1675): The Founder of Neurology, St John's College online exhibition -

History of Medicine Oxford Website:

Start time: 31/01/2025 14:15
End time: 31/01/2025 15:15
Location: Biocenter 3, Viikinkaari 5, lecture hall 2402
Type: Seminar
Organization: University of Helsinki
Contact person:
February 11

Kliinisen kemian seminaarit

Raskaus ja kilpirauhanen
Marja Sarkola
Start time: 11/02/2025 14:15
End time: 11/02/2025 15:00
Duration: 45 minutes
Location: remotely
Type: Seminar
Organization: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Contact person:
February 12

ReproducibiliTea: DON’T DRAW YOUR DATA: Sleuth’s stories in uncovering suspicious data in preclinical Alzheimer’s research papers.

Speaker: DR. MU YANG Columbia University MedicalCenter, New York, USA
In this webinar, I will go over how I started sleuthing, and the most intriguing cases that I reported. I will discuss suspicious water maze data from several renowned researchers in the AD
field. Given the importance of the work of Eliezer Masliah, I will present representative examples of image manipulation in his papers. In the end, I will discuss how to report to journals (tips
strategies, dos and don’ts) and how to flag papers on PubPeer to foster integrity and open dialogues.
About the speaker
Mu Yang is the director of the Mouse Neurobehavior Core at Columbia University, and an accidental sleuth. After discovering fraudulent Morris water maze data in multiple papers on mouse models of Alzheimer’s, and working with Dr. Richard Morris (known for inventing a water navigation task for rodents) to report the fraud, she started to realize how rampant research
misconduct is. The frustration led her to become a sleuth. She was the lead sleuth in reporting over 130 papers by Eliezer Masliah, former director of Neuroscience at theNational Institute of Aging (NIA). Her reports have ledto over 140 retractions since 2022.
Start time: 12/02/2025 15:00
End time: 12/02/2025 16:00
Location: remotely
Type: Webinar
Organization: University of Helsinki
Contact person:
February 25

Kliinisen kemian seminaarit

Laboratorion kilpirauhastutkimukset
Tuija Männistö
Start time: 25/02/2025 14:15
End time: 25/02/2025 15:00
Duration: 45 minutes
Location: remotely
Type: Seminar
Organization: UH, Faculty of Medicine
Contact person: