
October 29

Navigating from Biomarker Discovery to Clinical Trial

Do you have a promising biomarker that you're eager to validate in a clinical trial? Join us as we explore the journey from biomarker discovery to clinical trial execution, providing valuable insights and practical guidance for researchers and clinicians.

Target Audience: Scientists and clinicians interested in initiating and executing investigator-initiated biomarker trials.

Start time: 29/10/2024 14:15
End time: 29/10/2024 18:15
Duration: 3 hours
Location: Biomedicum1, lecture hall 2, Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki
Type: Other
Organization: FIMM
Contact person:
October 30

Harvest time at FIMM: Introducing the 2024 cohort of FIMM-EMBL Group Leaders

Harvest time at FIMM
Introducing the 2024 cohort of FIMM-EMBL Group Leaders


13:15-13:45 FIMM Director Samuli Ripatti: "Harvest time - Strategies for turning genetic discoveries into clinical and societal action"

13:50-14:10 FIMM-EMBL Group Leader Nina Mars: “The journey of cancer polygenic risk scores to the clinic”

14:15-14:35 FIMM-EMBL Group Leader Arafath (Rafa) Najumudeen: “Spatially resolving metabolism to unravel cell biology: Going from bulk to single cell”

14:40-15:00 FIMM-EMBL Group Leader Simone Rubinacci: “Haplotype-informed methods to uncover novel disease mechanisms”

~15:15 Gathering and toast at FIMM.

Please register by October 20 here:

Start time: 30/10/2024 13:00
End time: 30/10/2024 15:00
Duration: 2 hours
Location: Biomedicum1, lecture hall 1, Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki
Type: Other
Organization: FIMM
Contact person:
November 13

FICAN webinar "Computational tools for multi-level profiling of individual cancer risks

Computational tools for multi-level profiling of individual cancer risks

Speaker: Prof., Research Director Laura Elo

Medical Bioinformatics Centre, Turku Bioscience Centre, University of Turku & Åko Akademi

Get to know the Speaker:

This time the seminar is organized by FICAN West. The seminar will be held online (Microsoft Teams), find the link below. The event is open to everyone interested in cancer research. Event details and abstract & relevant references will be updated here: FICAN science webinaari ”Computational tools for multi-level profiling of individual cancer risks” 13.11.2024 – FICAN


These nationwide webinars aim to

  • Share information about high-quality cancer research and its results conducted in various regions.
  • Provide insights into cancer care and diagnostics, with a focus on new approaches and techniques
  • Foster collaboration and discussion for the benefit of cancer patients throughout Finland

Start time: 13/11/2024 15:00
End time: 13/11/2024 16:00
Location: remotely
Type: Webinar
Organization: Finnish Cancer Center (FICAN)
Contact person:
November 15

Kliinisen mikrobiologian perjantaisarja

Autoimmunologiaa kliinisestä näkökulmasta laboratoriotutkimusten hyödyntäminen
Jenny Wadén, LT, Erikoistuva lääkäri, kliininen 
mikrobiologia, HUS Diagnostiikkakeskus

Start time: 15/11/2024 12:00
End time: 15/11/2024 13:00
Location: HUSLAB talo, 4 krs, Jälki G4101
Type: Seminar
Organization: HUS
Contact person:
December 13

Kliinisen mikrobiologian perjantaisarja

Mikrobiologiset tutkimukset osana kuolemansyynselvitystä
Sirkka Goebeler, dosentti, LT, oikeuslääketieteen 
erikoislääkäri, THL  

Start time: 13/12/2024 12:00
End time: 13/12/2024 13:00
Location: HUSLAB talo, 4 krs, Jälki G4101
Type: Seminar
Organization: HUS
Contact person: