Dissertation: Jukka Vanhanen
Opponent: Professor Jean-Pascal Lefaucheur, Université Paris-Est Créteil,Créteil, France
Dissertation: Wafa Wahbi
Opponent: PhD Kirsi Ketola, University of Eastern Finland
Dissertation: Marika Smeds
Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage : oxygen treatment, prognosis and economical burden of patients requiring intensive care
Opponent: professor Andrew Udy, Monash University
Studia Medicina: Suolistosyöpä yleistyy mutta ennuste paranee
professori Perttu Arkkila HY/HUS Suolistosyövän seulonnan avulla varhaisempaan diagnoosiin
professori emerita Helena Isoniemi HY/HUS: Etäpesäke maksassa – onko potilaalla toivoa?
iCAN science seminar: Dr. Daniel Hodson
Host: Prof. Sirpa Leppä
Dr Hodson studied medicine at Cambridge and Oxford Universities before training
in clinical haematology in Cambridge. He undertook a University of Cambridge
PhD in molecular immunology supervised by Dr Martin Turner at the Babraham
Institute. In 2010 he moved as a Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund (KKLF)
Post-doctoral Fellow to the lab of Dr Louis Staudt at the National Cancer
Institute, NIH, USA to study the functional genomics of aggressive B cell
lymphoma. In 2015 he was awarded a Medical Research Council (MRC)
Clinician Scientist Fellowship and returned to Cambridge to establish a
research group in the Welcome MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute, University of
Cambridge. In 2021 he was awarded a Cancer Research UK Senior Research
Fellowship and in 2023 a European Research Council Consolidator award.